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chiang mai

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Everything posted by chiang mai

  1. When the company is the person, it's splitting hairs as to whether the person or the business is being taxed don't you think.
  2. I agree but I can't help but think that sometimes we over think these things and look for problems where none exist, because of near paranoia.
  3. I agree with sandy, most doctors who call themselves GP's tend to be traffic cops who fix the easy problems and then refer anything else upwards and I would guess they may get a commission. That doesn't make them bad, it's just that they probably wont perform all the duties of a family GP as they are understood in say the UK.
  4. Thai national recipients of US SSc who reside in Thailand are taxable on that income, just as non-US citizens who ae recipients of US SSc are when they reside in their home country and that country's DTA doesn't prevent taxation. Which is a slightly odd scenario because the US/Thai DTA specifies SSc is not taxable and DTA rules take precedent over national tax rules.
  5. This word remittance is annoying me again, some people don't appear to understand its meaning or definition. To "remit" is to send money to a person or place, a "remittance" is what is sent or received. Remittance doesn't define or say anything about the sender or the receiver, nor about what is sent other than it is funds in the form of cash (banknotes), electronic funds transfer or credit. "What is Bank Remittance? The term 'remittance' is derived from 'remit', meaning 'to send back'. A bank remittance refers to the funds sent or transferred to another entity or account as payment for services or a product. Remittances can also be personal money transfers made to family and friends overseas and any sort of business payments". https://www.dbs.com/digibank/in/articles/pay/bank-remittance-vs-bank-transfer
  6. Said the pot to the kettle.
  7. An example from India where the government now considers foreign credit card transactions as taxable (three months ago). "The Government of India recently introduced a significant change that directly impacts individuals' overseas spending. Under the newly amended Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA), all international credit card transactions made in foreign currency now fall under the Liberalised Remittance Scheme (LRS). This alteration introduces a set of rules that need to be understood by Indian residents who frequently use international credit cards for their purchases". https://www.business-standard.com/finance/personal-finance/banks-seek-delay-on-taxing-overseas-card-spends-how-20-tcs-impacts-you-124053000106_1.html Plus anecdotal information on the same subject regarding Japan where the remittance is allegedly not regarded as income but may still be taxable: https://www.reddit.com/r/JapanFinance/comments/1b111xj/is_using_a_us_credit_card_in_japan_considered/
  8. The 183 day reference in the article posted earlier isn't applicable to most people, 180 days residency in a single tax year determines tax residency for most. But some people can be regarded as tax resident here earlier than 183 days, company directors and business owners being one, depending on a number of factors. The implications here are on people who own their own business for trading purposes, contractors and the like who can be regarded as tax resident, from the very first day. In case anyone was thinking that they could escape the 180 day rule, just because they are not an employee....you can't. The risk is to some classes of employed people who can be considered tax resident SOONER than 183 days, not later.
  9. An interesting read on taxation, written by HR of all people....informative. https://www.internationalhradviser.com/storage/downloads/Taxing Issues Expatriate Myths.pdf
  10. I don't think the TRD cares about what happens outside of its borders. What it knows is that consideration was given for goods or services that were received, inside Thailand. The way the purchaser intends to reimburse the lender abroad is of no concern to TRD. What if the buyer obtained a cash advance on their credit card and then paid cash for those goods or services, the overseas lender would still have to be reimbursed but this was a cash transaction, is it still not assessable?
  11. I don't think you can be not tax resident everywhere. If the 180 or 183 day rule fails, governments resort to country of domicile or substantial presence tests.
  12. I'm pretty sure you can't escape tax by not being tax residency in any country throughout every year, you will be regarded as tax resident somewhere and typically that is your country of domicile. The 180 or 183 day rule is not the be all/end all of tax, governments tend to fall back on domicile or substantial presence tests to determine your status if the 180/183 day tests fail.
  13. I think it shows he's making it up as he goes along or simply doesn't know, but I don't know that means the entire tax issue is unclear. I think the members here have done a very good job at disseminating much of what is required and where the major gaps are. One of the bigger problems is that too many members think Thai's are stupid and that none of this has been thought through when I suspect most of it has but it hasn't been communicated to everyone's satisfaction. Whether it should have been or not is another subject. Another aspect is the idea that long standing practices are now deemed at risk, foreign ATM withdrawals being one and this has unsettle many people who question the legitimacy of taxiing funds taken from a home country account. There's a lot of education needed here amongst members, many of whom still appear to be in denial.
  14. A good point, often this stuff is OK indoors but not outside. I'll talk to the Help Line at Crocodile on Monday.
  15. "This has to be the most bazaar thing I have seen in my entire life here..... Like who is a Foreigner? Are the Chinese, Japanese , Korean, Russian, Indian expats Foreigners?" Wow, seriously! "I guess not, because they dont seem to give a rats azz about any of this tax nonsense......" And you know this how?
  16. I did not say the base was not stable, the slab is entirely stable, just the surface can be improved.
  17. Is there anyone else and if so, where do you find them? I've contacted crocodile and asked them if they can recommend some one to do my driveway. The last time I contacted a product supplier they sent a team round to try and sell me products but no help with the labour. Another product supplier gave me the name of an engineering company to paint the driveway. They wanted 90k to paint 50 square meters with undercoat and top coat, no grinding, no levelling, no nothing.....taking the p*ss if you ask me. If anyone knows where to find reputable tradespeople in Chiang Mai/Mae Rim, please let me know. I've been here over 20 years and have had no consistent success on this front, everyone is self taught, slightly trained and lacking common sense.
  18. Thank you for leaving it open, the correct answer showed up shortly afterwards.
  19. Same here, I can see granite pieces peeking through the surface of mine, time to get the grinder out.
  20. This looks interesting, have you used it before? I'll be grateful for feedback from anyone who has. Having done some more research, this is EXACTLY what I'm looking for, thank you so much Luuk Chai, I owe you, big time. 1-2 mm thick means I can use a concrete grinder to clear of the top surface/crumbling patches/dirt first then return the drive to its previous level. Perfect!
  21. I went even more radical, I had my thyroid removed. Before, my BP was always always high, it wa s a real battle at times to lower it. I had my thyroid removed for a completely unrelated reason and now my BP is constant all the time, I don't have to do breathing exercises at the hospital before tests, at times I wonder if I'm still functioning normally but doctors tell me it's not uncommon.
  22. You can influence your BP test results to quite a degree by breathing properly, often, sub conscious stress causes BP to be higher than it would normally be, eg white coat phobia where BP readings in a medical setting are much higher in many people. Sit in a chair, upright, feet together hands in lap. Close eyes and relax. take a deep breath and fil your lungs, with your eyes still closed, breathe out very very very slowly from your mouth only. Repeat half a dozen times. That stimulates the vagus nerve which controls blood pressure and heart rate. Try it and see what happens.
  23. Yup. It's perfectly good concrete that just needs a surface refinishing. I could probably take a hand grinder and smooth the worst patches and then paint and there'd probably be nothing to worry about. But I was looking to see if there was a better or easier solution but I don't think there is.
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