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Everything posted by samtam

  1. I stand corrected. [But as a non resident whose 66th birthday was on 31 March 2023, I missed out on the 203.85 and will now forever get the 185.15 per week, or 9,627.80 pa.] Still, based on my miscalculation (8887.20❌), I now realise I get 9,627.80✔️, so that's nice. 10,600.20 would have been nicer, but so far the rise in GBP to THB has improved it.
  2. The highest and increased pension (23/24 effective 6 April 2023) in UK (as a resident) is GBP203.85 per week: x4 = 815.40 per month = GBP9,784.80 per annum.
  3. If the new PM is Prawit, with the requisite non-8-party-coalition MPs and 250 senate votes, the first item on the Prawit government agenda is surely to change the constitution to allow the senate to be "appointed" ad infinitum, and always to be a full participant in the choice of PM.
  4. How are senators "chosen" in May 2024? An "election"? Also, as no PM was chosen yesterday, does that mean the caretaker PM continues in office until one is?
  5. When I went to get my IMM letter from Krungsri Head Office in April, they asked me to do the facial recognition. Their machine (which looked like a portable credit card reader) didn't work. I subsequently went into another branch recently and they performed it through a camera, without a hitch. I also bank with UOB, and as I was in the vicinity, I dropped in there to do the same. UOB said they don't require facial recognition....but I suspect it will only be a matter of time, and will require another visit.
  6. Well now everything seems to have changed with Cinema HD. I installed a new V2, (not the so-called "latest" version). It appeared to work OK, and then found it had a repeated bug, advertising some game, which I did not want, so I couldn't get rid of it. Eventually uninstalled it, and now cannot find a reliable source. There are a number of You Tube episodes saying that Cinema HD is not working, and is corrupted. Would be happy to hear otherwise with a URL to download. Also any alternative TV and movie apps anyone could recommend.
  7. You have to really wonder whether there is an appetite for street violence. Thais do not seem particularly keen on fighting for change, especially when so much is stacked against them. The civil unrest of 2010 was brutally crushed. That protest and the overthrow of the Yingluck government were organised. Other methods, (strikes) would have a severe impact on the livelihoods of the poorest. The powers that be are weighing up their options, and are probably pretty sure they can get away with it again.
  8. I've found a work around on the subtitles. Make your default player MX, and then choose your program. Play your chosen source, and once it has started, go to the three dots on the top rhs of your screen. Choose subtitles, Open, then Online Subtitles. Click on this and then type in the exact same name of what you are watching. This YT explains it clearly: It's quite straightforward, if a little cumbersome initially. Hope this helps.
  9. I made a rare appearance at my bank, Krungsri Head Office in Bangkok at the end of April to collect my bank letter for IMM, and was asked to do the facial recognition. Three attempts by 2 staff, and they couldn't get the machine to work. Wasted about half an hour, on top of the inordinate length of time to collect a preordered letter. What could possibly go wrong with this?
  10. I updated my Cinema HD app and now it plays, but when I try and use subtitles, the program shows the list from which to choose, but it never opens the movie or tv program. As soon as I click on play it works, but play with subtitles, it does not. I have chosen MX as my player, and tried the other options too, with the same result. Prior to updating, the subtitles feature was working perfectly. Anyone having similar problems?
  11. And the pastry is not properly cooked. I am a regular at my Tops (FH), and they refunded me. Taste-wise it's very bland. Much better to make it yourself, and it's not difficult.
  12. Yes, clarified. I meant phone or computer.
  13. Sorry are you using your phone, or your computer? My download results on computer are: 96.3 on my computer (LAN) and 299.9 on my phone (Wifi) both through my NTT router using testmy.net through Singapore
  14. Are you using a router?
  15. If your testing AIS on Ookla, it's going to give you a very different result (vary favourable), to testing with testmy.net through another location, such as Sydney. Not all speedtest sites are reliable or accurate.
  16. I see what you did there???? Any serious violence will be catastrophic for Thailand. The events in 1789 did not produce stability for many generations, and what immediately followed was chaos. Ditto the events of 1917.
  17. I have a British friend who lives in UK and wishes to retire in Thailand. What visa should he apply for, and is there a better consulate at which to apply, (from the perspective of user friendly)? He lives in the Midlands. The website suggests Non-Immigrant O when I specify the Retirement as the purpose, but then the qualification does not seem to refer to "Retirement", so does that come into force after one applies for an Extension? Royal Thai Consulate Royal Thai Consulate in HULL, England. ... Royal Thai Consulate in LIVERPOOL, England. ... Royal Thai Consulate in GLASGOW, Scotland. ... Royal Thai Consulate in CARDIFF, Wales. ... Royal Thai Consulate in GIBRALTAR (Overseas Territory, Near Spain) ... Royal Thai Consulate in DUBLIN, Ireland. My own experience was very different 20 years ago, so undoubtedly things have changed in the interim.
  18. I watch on Cinema HD app.
  19. "Why didn't they ask Evans?", the Hugh Laurie adaptation of Agatha Christie's book. Binge-watched this 3 episode mini series yesterday, but found it to be completely tedious, and looking back on it today, can't recall, (or care) why. Beautiful sets, in rolling Gloucestershire and Welsh countryside, but the editing was quite mad. I know it's supposed to be a mystery, and in that sense it succeeded. It still is. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt14829590/
  20. Claim pensions on +44 191 218 7777 press #3. Much easier to claim over the phone than by filling in the forms. But you have to answer a lot of questions, including when you started working in UK, when you ceased working in UK, when you started living abroad etc, (dates including day, month and year). So get all your details ready.
  21. Also currently payments are taking 14 to 16 weeks to be processed, so the claim I made on 6 April will be paid in August, backdated to my 66th birthday.
  22. I turned 66 on 31 March, but delayed claiming until the new rate of GBP203.85 came into effect on 6 April. Made the claim, but I will only get the rate effective at 31 March: GBP185.15, which is not inflation adjusted for retirees living in Thailand. The OP needs to first call the Future Pensions Centre on +44 191 218 3600. They will inform you of the amount you need to top up to get the maximum pension available for the years not fully paid. The best time to call this number, (and the DWP telephone number +44 191 218 7777 when making a claim) is at their opening, 08.00 (currently 14.00 in Thailand). You should get straight through. It's worth buying Skype to cover any prolonged calls, and I rang both places and HMRC several times. The increase is only available to those whose 66th birthday is after 5 April 2023, if you are not a UK resident. (See above.) My understanding is that deferment would only get you the 5.8% increase for 1 year, and only deferrment until 2025 (2 years after your 66th birthday). Thereafter, as a Thai resident, you would revert to the amount payable on your 66th birthday.
  23. My online 90 day report submitted on 20 March was given its next report date as 18 June, well past my Extension of Stay renewal on 30 April. This is at Cheangwattana, (Bangkok).
  24. Same with property prices in London, which are massively inflated by foreign ownership, (Arab, Chinese and Russian predominantly, but including rich foreigners from every country, including Thailand, of course). Foreign ownership is not illegal in UK, and in London those who have property benefit from the inflation of their asset. Those who do not own property, (predominantly the younger generation), can barely afford to make ends meet. And these include key workers like those in healthcare, public transport etc.
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