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Everything posted by samtam

  1. Glad to hear it! I will have to make a return trip in the new year, as they didn't know about it when I went on 20 December.
  2. I can't answer, as when "I tap to show Digital Vaccination Certificate" nothing happens. However, all three vaccinations are shown on "Vaccination Certificate" tab. The app seems a bit temperamental. I was trying to show a friend in a restaurant the other night, and it wouldn't open. (I was using mobile data.) Anyway, it opened without problem outside of the restaurant. Let's hope they don't introduce proof of vaccination in restaurants, otherwise this is a dead loss!
  3. UPDATE: I spoke to the lady at Bangkok Hospital and told her that the airport number for Vax Passport was defunct. She now tells me (today) that Bangkok Hospital CAN update an existing Yellow Passport. So, I will go back there with the respective documents. But be sure to ask when you get your vaccine. It's rather tedious that they couldn't have given me this information when I asked about it at the time of getting the third jab this last Monday. But as usual, the first, (and sometimes second) answer changes. Hope this helps.
  4. I just asked the lady at Bangkok Hospital to send me the Vaccine PP details: I called the airport number, but the line was picked up and then cancelled! I've sent them an email.
  5. Yes, Mor Prom is updated with the 3rd instantly, and you are given a certificate with the QR code. I tried to get another Yellow Passport issued through Mor Prom, (I have one with the first 2), but you have to go and pick it up somewhere in the boonies. The lady at Bangkok Hospital said the existing YP can be updated at Suvarnabhumi, but I'm not exactly sure whether that is the case. I'm not in a rush, as I have postponed my travel plans until further notice, and we may need another jab before that. But the Mor Prom and the Certificate should be sufficient for travel; my understanding is that is accepted at BKK for departure, and that's the only important bit. AFAIK, (not much!), it's not checked at the arrival destination.
  6. Exactly. I know of three separate parties who cancelled everything yesterday, even though they had TP approved. There are too many moving parts that can smash the whole mechanism, if one element should fail. e.g the simple and very likely probability that if you catch Covid-19 on the plane, you will be in quarantine upon arrival. Omicron is rampant everywhere. You could be sitting in the airport of your departure and catch it then, missed in your pre-boarding PCR, picked up on your arrival PCR. Silly to travel unless absolutely necessary.
  7. Thank you so much for the heads up. I have passed this on through other threads. I bought at Shopee on 11 December and registered with Bangkok Hospital. Initially they suggested an appointment on January 17, which I booked, but in view of the newish 3 month applicability, I changed to today's date, and all went according to plan. Well, there was a bit of confusion at registration at Bangkok Hospital, because I had paid for 2 (for 2 people), and they registered my partner first with 2. Anyway, sorted out, and certificate issued with QR, and Mor Prom updated instantaneously. I have a Yellow Passport (YP) with my 2 AZ shots, but will either have to use Mor Prom to obtain another YP with the 3 shots, or go to Suvarnabhumi to update the YP in person. Need my Thai assistant to assist, as Mor Prom app is in Thai in parts that may or may not be crucial to understanding how to proceed. Tip: if you go to Bangkok Hospital vaccinations are at "R" building.
  8. Try shopee.co.th and type in e-coupon Bangkok Hospital, will come up with Moderna option. Can buy @ THB1650. Pay. receive SMS with coupon(s). Register at Bangkok Hospital (if you aren't), and click on Appointments. Select date, time.
  9. So why couldn't somebody (at Thai PBS?) write a notice with complete clarity, instead of this pile of doodoo? What about the second Tuesday, but with no full moon? It's started waning two days after. Surely that could have easily been incorporated into the "announcement".
  10. Thank you. I will try the Mor Prom application. The Yellow Passport was obtained by my IMM agent, so I'm not sure how he did it, and will ask him. It cost me THB1500, which was fine at the time, as it saved me the trouble, but I think these things are easier now. I will report back in due course, when I will either have received another Yellow passport via Mor Prom, or spoken to the Thai Travel Clinic. It would have made sense to get the hospital to sign the Yellow Passport after they've administered the jab, but then I remembered where I am too!
  11. As richard_smith237 states; through Bangkok Hospital. There is another link regarding this here:
  12. Thanks. I was just assuming that a MoPH issued vaccine passport issued in Thailand could have any and all Thai administered vaccines added to it. I have the Mor Prom app, and I understand the hospital can add to my digital certificate on that, which will be sufficient when leaving Thailand, but unsure how widely accepted if and when proof of vaccination is required when "normal" international travel resumes next year.
  13. I have a Yellow Vacination passport issued by the Ministry of Public Health and it records my two AZ vaccinations. I am shortly getting a booster jab, and want to add that to the Yellow passport. The hospital said I need to go to Suvarnabhumi to get the passport updated, but this seems to be contrary to what was previously advised, that the airport did not issue Yellow vaccination passports. Grateful for advice from anyone that has recently gone through this procedure.
  14. Thailand: the hub of stalled legal cases? Has SRT paid one satang of the money it was ordered to pay Hopewell for the cancelled elevated highway and rail project, which began construction in 1997, a mere 24 years ago? What about the partial demolition order of The Aetas on Ruam Rudi, filed in 2008 and adjudicated in 2014? These are just two off the top of my head, but I imagine it's the Fool of Law hard at work.
  15. I'm trying to understand what I perceive as an apparent misalignment between the high percentage of Bangkok residents being fully vaccinated, and the stubbornly high numbers of new cases found in Bangkok on a daily basis. Yesterday's number showed Bangkok with 778 new cases, (the highest number within cities in the kingdom). Yes, I know vaccinated people still catch Covid, (and maybe we're about to find out that vaccinated people will catch the Omicron variant with ease), but I imagined you would expect to see a more dramatic drop off in cases, as the percentage of fully vaccinated increased to something in the region of 95%. Daily cases have remained at around the 800 level for several weeks. Are the statistics faulty, or is the daily reporting of new cases becoming much less relevant? Possibly Omicron has been in Thailand, (and indeed many countries), for a longer period than anyone knows.
  16. I always think it's more honest to take things into context, date, and time, rather than create a narrative that suits your particular brand of pedantry. There are two different dates relating to the The Independent articles. But hey, ho, whatever makes your day. This thread is right up your alley: Sharpen your red pencil, and get marking those scores.
  17. Those pesky KYC and Anti Money Laundering laws. I guess it narrows the field as to where you can park it, (no pun intended).
  18. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/health/new-covid-variant-south-africa-b1964615.html
  19. The African countries where the Nu variant came from are not on the list of 63 quarantine free countries, so anyone coming from there would need to do 14 days quarantine, vaxxed or not. However, there may still be flights coming from these African countries, (which AFAIK), have not been banned.
  20. Have you read about Hong Kong's zero Covid policy? There the plot is based on a Greek tragedy, with Chinese characteristics. (21 days quarantine to enter, for permanent residents only; no local cases for months.)
  21. Quite possibly. I have to go to Hong Kong in January, and will undergo 21 days quarantine, as Thailand is in HK's A risk (highest), but Singapore is not (B - 14 days), but to qualify for that reduction in Q in HK, I would have to spend 21 days in Singapore, and I think that's a bridge too far, maybe not even marginally better. There's also the risk of catching Covid with additional travel. But, this Singapore move may see HK moving these 6 countries to B risk (14 days Q). A man can dream. Plenty of time for that in 21 days incarceration.
  22. Singapore is adding Thailand (and others: Cambodia, Fiji, Maldives, Sri Lanka and Turkey) to its Quranatine-Free Travel Lane effective 15 December. It has however today banned flights from several countries in Africa, including South Africa, because of the new Nu variant, which was detected in a passenger from Botswana quarantining in Hong Kong, (who passed it on to the person in the opposite room of the Q hotel). Nu has 32 proteins, (spikes), vs Delta's 13-17. None of these countries appear to be on Thailand's list of 63, which are classified as quarantine "free".
  23. I guess they can take a fee, both on the transport, and the "service" of sitting in a pen whilst the ATK is administered.
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