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Posts posted by onzestan

  1. just noticed on the MSN Homepage that they are beginning to discuss the creation of... wait for it....'a smoking licence' This if it becomes law will force the individual smoker to apply for a a licence every year costing £10. Now that is crazy!!! God knows whats next ...a licence to fart maybe!

    Or maybe this :


  2. Why would Eastern European agencies cut out Pattaya on " moral grounds " ? Its laughable

    Well (West European) travel agents have cut out Pattaya...just try finding a Pattaya package holiday in a UK holiday brochure...

    I guess major holiday companies would soon be accused of offering sex tours if they included Pattaya in their brochures.

    And even people asking in a travel shop get knowing nods of disaproval from anyone within earshot...

    Perhaps you have never wondered why there are few families from the West on holiday here...

    No shortage of Pattaya packages in German, Belgian, Dutch and French travel brochures. As for families you just have to look around, plenty of them, maybe more in Phuket, Koh Samui percentage wise, but then that's probably because most of the party type travelers prefer Pattaya, and therefore outnumber the other tourists.




  3. Speaking of taxis at the new airport....

    I have only been to the new airport once (but that was when I was leaving Thailand). Before I went to the old one when I first arrived in Thailand. So I have no clue as to where everything is in this new airport. Does the airport have a website and map by the way?

    Anyway, so from what I have been reading, it sounds like the best place to go and get a taxi is at departures?

    How about the shuttles/mini buses though? Where are they located and are they better to take than the taxis? I need to go to the southern bus terminal once I arrive in bangkok and I am not sure how much that should cost..

    Anyway, if anyone could help me out, that'd be great :o ...as I am pretty clueless...haha...

    You could start here :http://www.airportthai.co.th/airportnew/sun/index.asp?lang=en

    For replies to specific questions try looking up old topics, everything regarding Suvarnabhumi has been asked and replied to many times over.



  4. Hi, I'm new to pattaya and i'll be here for a week on friday, are there any things happening whilst i'm here either at day or night.



    Nothing special really, only the usual day and night partying.



  5. A club having a dress code is in no way, shape or form at all similar to excluding people on the grounds of their race. The latter would be illegal in Britain and other western countries. There is no moral justification for saying "You're the wrong race, get out!" so I can't see why so many people seek to defend it. I'm sure the same people wouldn't jump to the defence of a whites only club.

    I'm not defending racism, it's just that I don't have any problem whatsoever if the Japanese, Maori, Aboriginals, Sioux or whoever prefer to stick together in a country that allows them to do so. If they prefer to do so then I'll respect that decision. And why you think it's against the law in the west?

    No malice intended.



  6. I do not think anyone has problem with people sticking together. People have a problem with being denied goods or services solely on not being a certain race.


    Oh and there are no places in Great Britain that have a proper dress code where you're denied access wearing a jeans, no private clubs etc...

    Same difference.



  7. People of different cultures have always stuck together when in a different country,

    that's why you have little Italy, ChinaTown etc. etc. in the west.

    It is not racism that dictates this, it's a feeling of belonging, and if I'm not mistaken the anglo-saxons are

    no different except for the innocent banter between the british, american, australian etc. they do tend to stick together.

    Nothing wrong with that, I only wish that the politically correct acknowledged this fact of life that has existed for hundreds of years. Why does anything resembling having a preference for your own kind always has to be racism?

    My 2 cents.


  8. i sent them an email to which i got super fast polite reply

    what i asked was if they would get me at the airport on my next arrival and if the service was good i would buy the silver package there and then, if poor service or not feel needed then i woud give them the B1500 for single service.

    got a great positive response

    will let you know later this month


    Thank you for letting us know. Am kinda curious myself.



  9. onzestan, thanks for pointing out the existance of this airport service... thats whats great about this forum

    I might look into this for my parents' best friends who are retiring and visit Thailand rather often as a second home (they might particularly appreciate this kind of service)...

    please let us all know if it works out for you to your satisfaction :o

    Thank you !

    As I said in an earlier post I won't be using it till June.

    This topic has attracted 944 views in it's short existence so there is considerable interest.

    Thanks again and cheers


  10. ignore the dorks....

    Because we put across another point of view we become dorks.... jeez.

    By first telling me I'm a lemming, then accusing me falsely of having commercial interest, then

    misquoting a former post of mine, and then implying that I and others complaining about it are all liars because in your experience there never are, never have been and never will be queues at Suvarnabhumi airport.That's not

    expressing another point of view, that's being a dork (by want of a better word).



  11. Excellent & thoughtful responses, without exception, thank-you !

    I had been afraid of getting flamed, or called an old fart myself, possibly correctly - who knows !

    The insights into reporting, from real journalists, were particularly interesting.

    Excellent indeed.

    And for your original question, might it be that since you're now part of Thai society (however small) you become more defensive.

    I know I am.



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