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Posts posted by onzestan

  1. OK here we go again.

    I strongly believe that it is far less important to speak correctly, than getting yourself understood.

    Communication is the goal, not correct vocabulary.

    Anyway languages are barriers (Genesis chapter 11) and insisting on using them correctly is nothing but

    arrogance, and in a way demeaning to your counterpart.

    My 2 cents, and it's OK to have at me, I'm getting used to it, oh and BTW I'm not native english.


  2. What are some of the pro's and con's of going to Ankor Wat alone? I want to see the temples there so bad. If I get to Bkk a second time. I have to give it a try.

    Just like my first trip to bkk, I did my research and put my whole trip together using the internet. Nothing bad occurred. I'm confident that I can do this, and that everthing will go well.

    Are you a man or a woman? AND what is your age range and what country you come from? With this information we can give you the best advise.

    Male - I can see where this can be important. I guess I should have given more information if I want to get a thorough response. I will also say that I don't like to go in tourist groups, when I do travel. It can enjoyable at times for some,

    Country - USA.

    Forgive for being private , but, the age, sex, thing question tend to annoy the crap out of me, but I do see where it can be helpful.

    I really don't have to go by land, I just though it would really be a cultrual and mind stimulating adventure to do this by land for me. My first trip, things seem to go so smoothly, as far as booking a plane to fly to chiangMai, and changing my flight plans on the return trip.

    I'm planning on going in august, and expect to get wet.

    Bangkok Airways direct, or Thai to Pnom Penh and then by boat to Siem Reap



  3. Hi all,

    Am looking for new terrace chairs as per following picture:

    Was on Thepprasit yesterday and did find some very similar, except for the price, the cheapest offered were

    Baht 6.500,- after negotiating.

    The chairs in the picture (teak) are priced at 70,- Euros i.e. less than 3500 Baht in Belgium.

    Am I missing something? Isn't teakwood originally from asia? Aren't the wages in Thailand cheaper than in Europe?

    or am I beeing a cheap charlie.

    Anyone know where can find similar chairs at REASONABLE prices?

    Thanks beforehand for possitive advice.



  4. full time:

    Arsenal 2:1 Spurs

    Im happy :D

    was a good game. but seems we gotta be more careful with giving away penalty...not been doing well with that lately! good thing that Almunia has been doing a good job goalkeeping.

    Me to,

    Fabergas wasn't his usual best, but what an entry by Bendner. :o



  5. The problem with banning McLaren is that then we return to the Schumacher days of who's going to come second (or third as Ferrari have 2 drivers very capable of winning).

    We can hardly blame Ferrari for that, can we?

    It's up to the others to catch up, not for Ferrari to slow down. And it's not only the money, look at Toyota and Honda!



  6. I would say hit the team hard again but not the drivers, understood the drivers are part of the team but ultimately the decission boils down to Dennis if they should use any information gained to use on the car or against the other teams. Thing is, what about this story about Renault & their own spying case which the top brass in F1 feel fit not to take any further action ?? It can't be one rule for one & one rule for another. :o

    We will never know why don't we. Probably they deemed one such case was enough and the show must go on.

    Anyway as I said, I had the highest regard for Ron Dennis, and now face the fact that I cannot trust anything he says.



  7. The topic is about Mclaren cheating, not about the drivers I agree allthough 1 of them was clearly in the gist of it all.

    Noteworthy also is that Pedro de la Rosa who was instrumental in passing the info to Alonso, is still working for McLaren.

    I believe that McLaren should be banned from the 2008 championship to assure that the illegal information they have in their possession becomes obsolete.

    Anyway Ron Dennis has lost all his credibility as far as I'm concerned.



  8. Nobody has picked-up on the fact that it happens in Thailand mainly because they can get away with it.

    In the western world they couldn't because of existing law.

    Whether that's a good thing or not thats an entirely different question.

    Here in Thailand the "dumped" children are not raised by parents who rather wouldn't have them if they had a choice.

    I'm not sure which is the best for the children involved.

    There's a big row now in The Netherlands over the dutch consul in Hong Kong and his wife, that DUMPED a 6 year old girl that they had adopted in Korea years before, because as they claim the child could not adapt to their lifestyle. The girl is now in an orphanage in Hong Kong.

    Sad, very sad........


  9. McLaren should be disqualified from scoring any points in 2008...

    Why should a driver be disqualified ? for what a team did

    IMHO the drivers are part of the team too. It cannot be denied that at least one of the drivers

    was implicated, and lets not forget that vital information only came forward after both the drivers and test driver where promised immunity.



  10. Well the naysayers and whingers have shown up already. Too bad.

    So, in rebuttal I would like to add that I have lived on Koh Phangan for 19 years now and have encountered kindness, generosity and respect from my neighbors and other locals on the island. I have found that if I treat people with respect and decency I get it[/color] in return. Instead of believing myself to be some kind of superior being I realize I am a human being with flaws just like Thai people have. My flaws are different but I am far from perfect. I don't always think someone is out to rip me off, I don't go into every situation assuming the worst. And, astoundingly enough, I rarely get the worst and usually find myself treated with friendliness and decency.

    If all you encounter is negativity and abuse then perhaps you should be taking a good hard look at your own attitudes and behaviors first.

    Exactly, once you have gained respect all the rest becomes easy.

    Thanks for that


  11. Why would I feel second class here when I'm a guest in this country?

    Why do people always compare Thailand or Thai institutions with countries they consider superior.

    Why not compare Thailand with the rest of the world, I can name a whole lot of countries that are far worse than Thailand, including my home country.

    I know who and what I am and if others don't think the same so what.

    I am accepted here amongst the people that know me well enough (well maybe not all) and this includes Thai's and foreigners.

    What's wrong with a little gratitude towards the country that has graciously allowed you to live here, isn't that whats wrong with a lot of immigrants in the western world.

    My 2 cents


  12. Who in his/her right mind would want to buy something from King Power?



    Anyone who's alternative is a UK Duty Free shop. On the few occasions I don't fly via the middle east I always use them.

    I buy my cigarettes in the wine shops at Lotus in cartons of 10.

    cheaper than King Power.



  13. Hi Weho,

    I have a contract with a guy who used to work for Rentokil but now runs his own little enterprise.

    He comes once a month to spray the garden, and lo and behold ever since I use this service, the number of ticks declined rapidly and now I'm happy to say no more ticks on my 2 Golden Retrievers, nor in the house.

    The house however needed a separate cleaning (once).

    Hope to have helped. BTW this guy operates only in east-Pattaya and I don't know where your house is.

    If you need his telephone number p.m. me, he speaks only Thai though.



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