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Posts posted by onzestan

  1. I just found this from an Australian publication--

    Last Updated 08/04/2007, 15:37:28 Select text size:

    Official statistics show Asian tourists have begun turning away from Thailand.

    The move has prompted concern that holidaymakers might be avoiding the kingdom because of its continuing political woes.

    The Tourism Authority of Thailand says the number of tourists arriving from East Asia dropped by 7.3 percent in the first two months of the year, compared to the same period last year.

    The managing director of travel agent Destination Asia says sensitive Asian tourists, from Japan for example, have been scared away from Bangkok due to security concerns.

    In recent years Southeast Asia has seen increasing competition for tourist dollars, especially among Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore and Hong Kong.

    I don't think its politics that are turning tourists away, but western embassies that tell people to stay away because of possible muslim violence.



  2. I'm not a christian anymore but I was raised as one.

    I turned away from christianity because our local priest tried to get into my pants.

    He was much later killed by one of his victims who's life was destroyed for ever.

    I found out later that religion was invented by man, that all religious books have been written by man.

    I also found out that religion can be a blessing to many people to have something to hang on to, and I must agree that many religious people have done a lot of good for mankind.

    But I also believe that a lot of evil has been done, and is being done in the name of religion.

    Even the germans marching into Belgium in May 1940, were all wearing a belt buckle with the words

    "Gott mit uns" (god with us) on it.

    I do believe however that if anything points to the existance of a god it is the fact that a lot of us do have a CONSCIENCE, and I know that mine tels me to do good rather than bad, but then again that might be due to the teachings of my parents.

    Unfortunately it is the people without any conscience whatsoever that seem to rise the quickest on the ladder to social prominence and I don't think that bashing a few bible thumpers is going to change anything

    To each his own opinion and everyone has the right to have one.

    My 2 cents



  3. i have to remind all of u that electricity, telephone, air-conditioners, washing machines, cars, airplanes, mobile phones, computers, and of course the internet were invented by thais.

    we only managed to install some go-go bars here.

    so respekkt to all of them thai inventors. what would we do without them in the west?

    imagine poor bill gates, he wouldnt have been able to ship vista if it wasnt for the thais inventing the computer.

    my my

    my, my, my...... stepped on your toe did I?

    To all of you who took the time to read my topic before replying, my thanks even if you don't agree with me.

    I believe some explanation is due.

    I used the word "ghetto" by want of a better word for the elite housing estates with high walls around them and security people at the gates.

    I strongly believe that we have brought good to the country, but not on a level that could have been done.

    The real improvements are done more on a personal level where farangs dedicate their free time and effort on improving life standards in their immediate surroundings, or as some of you mentioned the charities that do wonderful jobs.

    As for the western, Japanese, Korean and other big industries are all here because of cheap labour, tax incentives, basically to make as much money as they can, which is OK because as a side effect it creates jobs and other benefits for the local, but that is just a side effect not a purpose.

    The better medical care, again for the better who has enough money

    Better schools again for the few that can afford it, I don't see an improvement on the local village school, on the contrary, the good teachers are of to the better paid private schools, and who can blame them. I don't.

    I do love Thailand and not because this country is the only one in the world where the local girls would call me handsome for whatever reason, but because it IS the only country in the world that could have produced a lady like my wife, and there isn't a day that I'm not gratefull for that.

    My biggest joy except from the above, is the genuine unbiased smiles on the children's faces when I'm helping out at some local school festivities, and the friendship I get from many of the Thais that know me,

    and I'm very proud that my nickname amongst these is " Khun Subhaap"

    Anyway to make a long story short, I was at Suwannapum yesterday to pick up a friend

    and I'm sad to have to say that the much hated taxi touts were all better dressed and behaved better than most of the arriving farangs.

    That's it



  4. As I have stated before on TV I have been living here for over 17 years, and I think that we are changing Thailand indeed, and not always for the better.

    It is human nature to try to adapt their surroundings to their needs and in many subtle, and some not so subtle ways we have succeeded.

    We have succeeded to build farang ghetto’s all over Thailand.

    We have succeeded in making many Thai’s despise us for what they perceive us to be.

    We have succeeded in creating a complete industry build around getting the farang’s money with whatever means possible.

    We have also brought some good to this country, but I fear that the bad outweighs the good.

    Sure there are the farangs that come here with the best intentions, and I like to think that I’m one of them, and I also like to think that I have had a positive influence on some at least.

    Anyway would be nice to learn your views on this.



    p.s. if this has been discussed before, I’m sorry. :o

  5. I think there's a lot of ExtraTerrestials on this forum judging by some of the comments here.

    There isn't any logic that fits all of us and the best proof of that is right here on this forum.

    Mankind must have taken a wrong turn somewhere in it's distant past because we are the most unlogical thing on this planet.

    Just my thoughts on this subject.



  6. Well guys it's the OP's money that we are talking about, and if the OP himself thinks it's a small amount then let him do it.

    A lesson hard learned is a lesson not easily forgotten.

    We all have had to learn a few hard lessons in life (at least I and most of my friends), the problem is not to get bitter about it and move on.




  7. When I first arrived here I used to think that Thailand and Thais were very illogical. Then it dawned on me. This is Thailand. It's me who is illogical to them.

    After that, things either started to make sense or, if they didnt, I stopped worrying about them.

    Now it's only the farangs who dont make sense to me anymore.

    This is a real gem.

    I'm going to print it, frame and hang it on the wall.

    Thanks and cheers


  8. What is the number of the check in counter and the location in departures please ?

    Trying the Evergreen as recommended by our members, flying to Amsterdam so not sure on the aircraft.

    Someone said the older planes are better for leg room and comfort so i hope i,m on one of these ?????

    I,m dreading the unknown relating to transfers between the airports.

    It,s putting an extra 12 hours on my schedule as i have to get an earlier flight out and a later flight back

    ( domestic wise of course )

    Oh well never mind, Fuffing Hells Fire and the usual TIT reaction came to mind when i booked this morning.

    I,ll get over it.....................stay cooooooooooooooool ya all

    marshbags :o

    To AMS they use the older B747



  9. Agree with most comments made here.

    I always tell friends that come for the first time that they should take a good look in the mirror and try to imagine what a much younger person could possibly like about them.

    One at least admitted it was advice that saved him from making a big mistake.



  10. You never know when you'll find another ThaiVisa reader or poster. I'll be sitting there, drinking a Diet Coke or having a sandwich somewhere, and this new acquaintance will say, "Well, I read on ThaiVisa that only left-handed orangutans who are famously fluent in Flemish will get type Z anti-migant visas next year...."

    Dear Peaceblondy,

    At first I sat back reading your above statement and considered being offended or not.

    Then I realised you were not talking about me.

    Although I'm fluent in Flemish I'm not famous and I'm right handed. :o:D :D



  11. Agreeing with the article, but I'm a bit puzzled about the huge number of students. Apparently, unless schools are literally falling down, there are more students than ever. Yet, according to the population experts at the UN, Thailand cut its birth rate in half from 1975 to 2000, and the current birth rate is probably below replacement rate. Shouldn't there be fewer students?

    IMHO no and the reason is simple. Because of the economic growth of Thailand, and the explosion of succesfull lower middle class businesses, allows a lot more Thais to pay for a better education for their children, than ever before.

    The next step is even more expensive, and that's sending the children abroad.



  12. Hi onzestan, I'm a frequent flyer with Etihad and they recently put me up in the "Oryx Hotel".

    I usually have a stop over in Abu Dhabi, but only for transit purposes, then fly on to either Bangkok or London.

    On my last flight, which was 3 weeks ago, I stopped in Abu Dhabi, only to realise that I had an 8hr wait for my connecting flight to the UK. I approached the Etihad guest desk and asked them what I was supposed to do for the next 8hrs. "Dont worry sir", was their reply, "we have a hotel reserved for you". Well I was completely and utterly surprised by this. The lady at the desk told me I would have to clear customs first, where there would be someone waiting for me on the other side, who would then take me to my transport. Transport was my own Mercedes limo which proceeded to take me to the Oryx Hotel. I was told this was normally reserved for their business and first class guests. Why I deserved this I dont know. The room was spectacular and I really appreciated the opportunity to have a hot shower and get my head down for 3 hrs. I was woken at 6am and another Mercedes limo was waiting for me downstairs where it rushed me back to the airport, and connecting flight.

    Apparently there was another guest on my flight staying at the same hotel, but instead of putting us in the same car, we each had our own Merc.

    I have always raved on about the service supplied by Etihad and that no other airline comes close at present, but this was an extra I certainly didnt expect, and all paid for by Etihad.

    I am aware that there is a hotel situated in the airport, but do not know much about it so I cant help you there. I'm guessing that it is also for business and first class passengers. Hope this helps



    Thank's very much indeed.

    It's my first time with Etihad, and I have had some small problems with rescheduling but everything has been sorted now.

    I have been awarded an STPC because of all this previous rescheduling, and because I did not accept

    their latest change to flights with only 1 hour stopover in AUH.

    Again thank you for your info



  13. My humble opinion:

    If you're looking for negatives you will find them.

    No need to look for positives, they're everywhere in this beautiful country.

    And I for one feel very :o here.

    Maybe because as a rule, I dress nice, try to be friendly and polite, treat everyone with

    respect as long as they've not proven to be a'''''''''''les. Works for me.



  14. OK Thanks to all of you, and especially for the nice pictures.

    Please note that I also enjoy seeing children have fun with a little

    harmless water bashing, and if it were only 2 days like in Hua Hin I'm sure

    I wouldn't mind so much, but as one of you earlier mentioned I draw the line at throwing

    a bucket full of ice water and with the ice cubes in it, at someone passing on a motorbike.

    Happened to me also.

    Anyway thanks again

    Cheers, and to those that like it : Have fun :o

  15. Living not far from Pattaya, I avoid it at any cost

    20 years ago my first experience with songkran was in Chiang Mai, and I liked it mainly because it was mostly the Thais that were celebrating poring water over my shoulder and there was a time limit fixed at 5 p.m.

    However it has become something completely different here in Pattaya. It's now a 7 days/7 nights party for the farangs and there's no limit to what they are prepared to do under the influence.

    So I vote hate it.



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