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Posts posted by onzestan

  1. In Flanders my generation has not forgotten.

    The soldiers in the picture are Aussies in the trench called Flanders near Ypres (Ieper).Hopefully some have survived to return to their loved ones.

    Thanks for this thread,

    a flemming


  2. People who blame the victim are, in truth, also terrified of the thought that it could happen to them too.

    So the brains of these terrified people trigger a defense mechanism to protect themselves against such fear, and so they tell themselves, "It wouldn't happen to me because... ummm... because.... ummmm.... Oh! Because I'm not that stupid! It was his own stupidity that caused it! So I can feel safe now because I'm not as stupid as him!"

    Similar to another thread where a farang was beaten up by cops for a ridiculously lame reason and the other posters blamed it on the victim's "stupidity" (he defended himself from a plainclothes drunken cop on a rampage and so the cop's other cop friends beat up the victim), and where some posters even said he deserved it.

    Agree. We all could lose our passport. That's not good reason to be verbally abused and gun menaced.

    Indeed, but in this case he didn't lose it.

    We all know that you have to have your passport and TM card ready when you approach the Immigration Desk. So he must have realized that he forgot his passport before he spoke to the immigration officer.

    I can only compare his actions with what I would've done in the same position, and that's turnaround and run back to the exchange boot as quickly as I could.

    I'm not implying anything here, but I do have questions on my mind about his story, and the story about being beaten by the police has absolutely no bearing on this case.

    my 2 cents


  3. Finally, to live here required of me some adjustments, which is ok, I did the same in the countries and made friends. I made friends here, they respect me for respecting them. Wish my Thai would be better, oh well.

    This is exactly what I think is the most important thing to do in Thailand.

    Learn some Thai yes. Adapt yes

    Assimilate no mainly because it is practically impossible to do.

    Concentrate on the positives of living here, and not only that everything is cheap here.

    Show respect.



  4. I remember coming to Thailand the first couple of times with my that time belgian girlfriend.

    Took a speedboat for a day trip to Koh Pai, the boat landed in the middle of the bay and of we went, me packed like a mule following my girlfriend first to the left, and when we got there of course the right looked a lot better so of we went.

    Then many years later same trip with my Thai wife, I decided to plunk down where the boat had landed. Parasol erected by my wife, towel spread, coolbox next to me, suncream over shoulders and backside by the wife, asked for a banana, it came pealed, laid back and remembered the Fred Astaire "Cheek to cheek" song :

    " Heaven..... I'm in heaven... and my heart beats so that I can hardly speak................

    I don't mind being treated like a child. I love it.



  5. Could we all please sit back, and reflect on what Europe would be without the yanks, what Asia would be without the yanks. I for one am grateful that they came to rescue us Belgians from the Germans.

    And also please consider that it is highly possible that many of the terrorist they are looking for are hiding in the south of Thailand, protected by their brethern. And could we also remember that the first ones to help after the Tsunami were the yanks.

    My 2 cents


  6. Yes, 600 baht for a 75 sq meter place appears to be pretty standard in Jomtien, it being a tourist area. I agree this price is kind of dear for a weekly situation that likely wouldn't take more than a few hours tops. Which is why I am trying to figure out what to do thats OK for me and my maid.

    You could marry her and then she will have to keep the place clean for herself :o



    p.s. couldn't resist

  7. i wouldnt tend to go for anywhere on the east coast at that time of the year. you will be better off looking at the west coast islands or beaches....ko lanta, krabi. phi phi - way too many people. but it does depend on WHEN in december you plan on.

    the hotels are mainly not so busy leading up to december 20, but after then they are chockers and as its peak season, you will pay premium prices. (i work in a hotel so am speaking from experience). 7-15 december is a good time to come.

    Thanks for replying everyone, and thanks for the specifics Donna. We want to marry on the 8th December. The sea gypsies and litter are something that have put me off Ko lanta, is this realistic or fabricated? Also Pricewise, is Krabi overpriced in comparison to other Islands? Thanks again people.

    December is the high season everywhere in Thailand. Krabi has more options than Koh Lanta in the middle class hotels. I have been going to the south (living in Pattaya) minimum once a year for 17 years and found Krabi (AoNang) the best place to be, especially if your interested in a wider variety of restaurants. In Koh Lanta your not spoiled for choice outside the hotels.

    There is one particular hotel which is perfect for a honeymoon, but the name escapes me know. Will send PM.

    Its got only 8 bungalows so privacy guaranteed.



  8. When I am inside my House, as far as I am concerned, IT IS ENGLAND!

    So inside your house the climate is terrible and the people are miserable ?

    and the food is <deleted> :D

    and they never wash......

    I take offence at that sir, We wash at minimum once a year on "Good Friday " to be at our easter best, whether it was necessary or not. :o

  9. But after 30+ years of study and practice I am just like a child learning to walk.

    Dear Pepe,

    You can study any subject to death. In the real world it is first of all a matter of survival that dictates how you behave. The Buddhist teachings are and have been an invaluable set of guidelines that help and helped a lot of people through adverse times. There isn't a religion in this world that can eradicate human nature completely. We are all fallible to some extent.

    You must accept that books are written by man and man is not perfect.

    Anyway adapt the guidelines you so admire to real life, and you may find contentment after all.

    Goodluck to you


  10. Hi Guy's and Girls

    I'm a bit confused here.(and that happens a lot) I started to read this topic because I thought it was about Pi Behd, one of the few Thai performers I like.

    Behold not ONE picture of the guy himself but a lot of more or less beautiful girls, depending on the light, make-up and picture editing

    Furthermore shouldn't he be called " Look Quart " if he has only 25 % of farang blood.

    And about him being gay that doesn't surprise me. all these guys running around in skirts. :o:D :D

    Cheers and to all " sawatdee pimai "


  11. I don't believe all the morons sticking up for this piece of garbage. They must see one of their brethren :o

    People aren't sticking up for him, just pointing out common sense, that if you go into Farose with your tackle on display, someone will probably pull your pudding. (even if you don't explicitly want it)

    Its the usual homespun sanctimonious twaddle from Britmaveric, "Eee, this lad needs a good ticking off"

    Moog, there is never any excuse for sticking your hands down a strange woman's jeans without her permission. I can accept sometimes that a girl can be coy and give messages that are somewhat suggestive, but ordering a burger is not one of them.

    agree, unfortunetly there's a lot of that going on, he's the one that got caught, deport and blacklist him.

    Hopefully gives something to think about to the rest of these backsidesofdonkey's.


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