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Posts posted by onzestan

  1. I honestly don't understand what you guys want from the local police.

    It's a no win situation.

    They'll be damned if they don't, and they'll be damned if they do.

    Fact is this is Thailand, it's Thai law that rules here, and if the police have not been adamant in the past and possibly to tolerant towards small infringes of the law, I can understand that their patience is slowly coming to an end.

    Be on the right side of the law and you have nothing to worry about.

    Half of the topics on this forum are about the stupid laws and how can we circumvent them.

    Enough said



  2. It never ceases to amaze me, what length's people will go through to prove that a law or rule infringes on what they perceive to be their by god given right. There are even those that can prove to you that AIDS does not exist.

    Once more, my life, and the lives of others are more important to me than anything I could by in duty free.

    It is an inconvenience I agree, but one I can live with, if it means traveling (even a little bit) safer.

    I cannot believe that authorities would go to such lengths to deny you your bottle of perfume, whiskey, cognac or whatever, and if you think it's all a conspiracy by the respective governments, just think of the conspiracies these terrorists are capable of.

    As I said before, learn to live with it, there are more important things to worry about.


  3. Hi Onzestan... well, after a bit of a trek I am sitting in the lounge now. So... pass through Immigration and emerge on flooor 4 opposite duty free perfumes. Turn Right and go all the way to Zome E (which is where EY leave from) and then go down the escalator signed Airline lounges. Right opposite the bottom of the escalator is the CIP Business Lounge which I was in last time.. Turn left and go almost all the way to the end and you will see Sky Lounge.

    Nothing to write home about, VERY quiet at 1900 on a Sunday evening. Usual array of drinks and pretty dried out sandwiches but the fridge has loads of beer. In addition Air France (They share the lounge as do Aeroflot) have put in 3 MAC computers so I get to try something new whilst waiting for my flight. I've been given emergency exit seats all the way tonight which will be good as I am not flying Pearl on this trip.

    Thanks for the info Tolsti, and the clear instructions

    Have a good one



  4. Agree with you. In fact I see a lot of shortcomings in even what they have implemented and once a terrorist finds a way around it they'll probably come out with even stricter rules in the future. I'm not looking forward to the new rules, but don't see any way around them. I travel with just a carryon 95% of the time or more, and the new rules mean I have to either check in my bag and then deal with the wait for my baggage or find some other solution.

    I understand the problem, as for me since I always travel to the same destination, I have everything I need there and only take my medication (with prescriptions) a change of underwear and shirt and socks. Showers can be had in the lounges, and a disposable razor is easy to find.

    Anyway thank you for the support. :o



  5. More than likely it's not corrupt-free now... but the REALLY BIG bucks or baht were done on start-up costs and not operating expenses.

    The REALLY BIG money has already been spent on the BILLIONS and BILLIONS involved with the 6 years of Thaksin-corrupted construction to the opening.

    Hi John,

    I agree, but that's behind us now and has been discussed a billion times. We should concentrate on what is happening now, and might happen in the future.

    Maybe someone would take note, but as long as we keep repeating the same things over and over again nobody is going to listen because nothing can be done about it, it's in the past.



  6. Indeed, the brazen manner in which the Thaksin administration signed off on all these corruption-laden contracts is difficult to fathom. They truly thought that they were above the laws of scrutiny and being in absolute control at the time, they likely thought they never would be looked at closely.

    And the AOT is now free of corruption?

    My 2 cents say that they want their hands greased as much as anyone else in a power position in Thailand.

    Case in point : AOT limousine service.



  7. Let's face it guys, this rule is going to stay in place as long as there are people out there willing to blow up

    airplanes with possibly as many innocent people on board as possible.

    And as long as a bottle of expensive whiskey is more important to you than the lives of innocent people I pity you.

    Learn to live with it. The world is not the safe place we wish it to be.

    My 2 cents


  8. I agree. They will be the next dominant culture / superpower. They do seem to plan ahead and think beyond the normal time span of a lot of Western politicians too.

    Maybe that's because these chinese politicians have a job for life, contrary to the west, where politics are about grabbing as much as possible in the shortest time possible, and governing is a very low priority.



  9. They would know that there is a liquid ban going on and would never try to smuggle liquids onto an airplane as a passenger because they know it would get tossed. Unless they were really stupid, they wouldn't even try this. These people trying to do harm are not stupid. Therefore, I will always believe this rule is ridiculous.

    I'm not sure I follow your logic here.

    Are you saying that this rule is ridiculous because the wannabe terrorist are not stupid.

    Then maybe if the rule was not there they would be clever enough to know that the rule is not there, and could go ahead ?


  10. Just was thinking more about this and realized I totally missed the main reason why the "little hitler" guy is out there trying prohibit people from using the taxis in the dropoff zone. It's because the official taxi stand is making the 50 baht surcharge, which they lose if they allow the passengers to do whatever they want. So it's strictly about AOT trying to collect more of a windfall than they really deserve. After realizing this, I think I feel even better about doing what I've been doing. AOT is quick to do whatever they can to make more money while totally ignoring what is best for the passengers. I'm not one who's really keen on breaking rules but in this case I think it's actually the honorable thing to do rather than let AOT continue there disgraceful practices. I hope lots more people start doing the same thing as well.

    Dear Soju,

    I would agree with you if my destination would be anywhere in Bangkok. However my destination is Pattaya and that could mean a longer wait to find a taxi at departure especially late at night.



  11. G'day all,

    I have a friend who is going to spend four days in Pattaya next week. He wants to buy a couple of tailored suits.

    Can anyone recommend a reasonable tailor, not too pricy, reasonable service etc?

    Cheers & thanx,


    Try Burdha accros from Friendship Pattaya Tai.

    Am very satisfied customer.



  12. ive heard from a couple of sucessful (or people that have been doing it awile) english teachers in thailand,that you shouldnt try too hard to actually teach the kids any english,as they generally get bored very easily,& lose interest,but just go in & bring up a topic of conversation. :o

    A GOOD teacher is never boring!



  13. urine droplets on the toliet seats. Some people just can't aim.

    It's not the aim, it's the following shake. :D

    Okay....so the shaker is a lousy aim still. :D

    You are quit right Miss Kitty,

    It all depends on who does the shaking :o



  14. I'm unsure because it mentions other names and I've not found any online translater for Belgian to English.

    btw, do you know of any? The AltaVista Babel Fish French to English doesn't work well and neither does the German to English. It's not the first time I've wanted something translated.

    Have you ever read anything about where in Thailand he settled?

    I wonder who the lucky person is that has him as a neighbor.... :o

    Hi there Sriracha john.

    Allow me to clarify something about Belgium :

    There are 3 official language groups in Belgium i.e.

    Flemish who speak dutch

    Walloons who speak french

    The people from the Eupen/Malmedy (german border) region who speak german.

    So there is no Belgian language per se. Quite confusing isn't it?

    Anyway we do make the best beer in the world. :D :D :D



  15. [

    Thanks Barry I will certaily head for Siracha for any treatment or non urgent medical needs.

    Last year I had a T.A.R.P (prostate)intervention at Pyathai in Sri Racha.

    I can honestly say that I am very satisfied with the treatment and aftercare, and

    most importantly at 30 % of the price that was quoted at BPH.



  16. Onzestan.. I flew with them last October and IIRC it was a small dingy lounge (CTC?) on the right shortly after passport control. Poor choice of food and beverages and the only reading material was in German. I'm with them again on the eve of the 20th but if you travel first please let me know which one it is.... I'll reciprocate obvioulsy if you depart after me.

    Hi Tolsti,

    I'll fly next month the 9th, so after you.

    Await your news



  17. anybody know where exactly the SKY Lounge is ?

    Just to clarify, the lounge for the SkyTeam partners, correct? It's near all of the other airline lounges on level three, adjacent to the three-way split for the E, F, and G gates. It's not well marked at the split as to which lounge is in which direction (big surprise) but in any event even if you wander down the wrong corridor, you will not wander far.

    FYI - If you are using the lounge as a Northwest WorldPerks member, you'll get shunted to a different lounge run by the "Louis Tavern" group. Or at least I did the last time I was at Suvarnabhumi. Was kind of funny as the SkyLounge people pretty much insisted that I would have never used their lounge which is total b.s. I had used the SkyLounge several times previously. It would be hard to confuse the two lounges.

    My thanks for this info.

    No I'm not a northwest member but I was informed Etihad uses the SKYlounge.

    Thanks again



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