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Posts posted by onebir

  1. 11 minutes ago, Airalee said:

    That was my reaction after eating Thai food 2 days in a row after arriving in Thailand for my first time.  Was walking along and all of the sudden it felt like my joints were full of broken glass.  Sat down for a rest and when I tried to get up I could barely walk.  Made it back to the guest house with the help of my brother.  Could barely make it up the stairs.  My hands and feet had swollen up so badly I couldn’t see the tendons (and I’m a wiry guy).  My brother said that he’d bet that I was allergic to MSG. Took 2 days to recover.

    That's way worse than my friend; she just felt dizzy, and recovered in a few hours...

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  2. 2 hours ago, Andy from Kent said:

    Since the beginning of the  Covid-19 pandemic there has been a "house for sale"  sign near where we live.    The price for this 3 bedroom house was posted as 8.5 million baht.


    Because  its  languished on the  market for as long as it has,   the owner decided the best way to sell it is to increase the price to its present offer at 9 million baht. 

    Well if it's more expensive, it's got to be better, right? ????

    • Haha 2
  3. 9 minutes ago, rooster59 said:

    According to the Ministry of Commerce, the MOU will be comparable to the establishment of a mini Free Trade Agreement (FTA), which will further complement the Thailand-India and ASEAN-India agreements which already exist.


    The MOU with Telangana will facilitate a deeper level of market penetration and investment, particularly for construction equipment, rubber tree wood, Thai fruit, Thai food, children toys, and pet food.

    Mini indeed. Next up,  a Durian-only free trade with Delhi.

    Baby steps...

  4. 1 hour ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

    Most foreigners are wanting to become permanent residents with absolutely no interest in fulfilling basic immigrant criteria such as assimilating into the local culture, learning the language, working here, paying taxes, having Thai friends, eating local food etc. 


    It's just more Western entitlement that we see so often on this forum. 

    Or Eastern entitlement*, if they're Chinese?


    *That we don't often see on this forum...

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  5. On 12/14/2020 at 7:39 PM, JomtienExile said:

    Then I had to get a COVID test and a fit-to-fly letter within 72 hours of the flight. Since the flight was in on a Monday morning, this posed a problem. My GP is not available on weekends, and most public COVID test sites won't test people who don't have symptoms, and don't issue results in writing. So I had to pretend to have symptoms to get tested on Saturday morning, wait 24 hours to get the result by text message, then find a doctor available on Sunday to issue the letter.

    This sounds a bit touch and go!

  6. 14 hours ago, webfact said:

    He added that the industry was "collateral damage" in a wider attack on democratic institutions.

    More like: "The industry's lends itself to abuse in wider attacks on democratic institutions."

    I don't think the US 'election was stolen', but the voting machine industry needs to either massively increase transparency or <deleted>. Paper ballots leave better audit trails and counting them couldn't possibly take any longer than this time round...

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