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Posts posted by onebir

  1. 6 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

    No evidence has been shown to prove that ivermectin works against COVID-19.

    This is simply not true*. There's some evidence, eg at least two RCTs in non-peer-reviewed publications (the horror). It's not particularly good evidence. But given the safety profile & low cost of say a weekly dose of ivermectin, I'd have thought this would motivate a much larger scale investigation of its efficacy as a prophylactic. Rolling out rather hastily-developed vaccines doesn't seem like a  particularly good idea either?


    *and if fact checking continues in this vein, it's never going to have much credibility. Unless perhaps conflicting evidence is totally suppressed....

    • Thanks 1
  2. 1 hour ago, mockingbird said:

    My question is would it be possible to convert my setv to an education visa while in Thailand?

    IDK, but it used to be possible to apply for education visas from outside Thailand. Given the SETV regs were just relaxed, eligible countries broadened etc, that could become possible again pretty soon, which would save converting an SETV.


    Here's some language schools I found in CM (if you're interested in that city):





    (FWIW; there's more on chiangmailocator; I haven't contacted them yet & don't know much about them.)

  3. 2 hours ago, rooster59 said:

    Nour News, a news agency close to the Revolutionary Guards, said last week that Zam was detained by Guards agents after he travelled to Iraq in September 2019 and brought to Iran.

    ie he was extrajudicially renditioned in violation of Iraqi sovereignty, which

    a) was apparently a bad thing when Soleimani was killed.

    b) didn't occur when Khashoggi* was killed in the Saudi consulate in Instanbul (because of extraterritoriality).


    Doesn't seem to be anywhere near as much outrage about this...


    *who was also fomenting an uprising in his home country, but you had to really search to find that detail.

  4. 3 hours ago, ChouDoufu said:

    maybe add some shelves and racks for the condo cleaning gear...... smelly mops and buckets.

    Spray anything left out in the hallway with fish sauce?


    Or put weird things inside anything with an inside. If confronted, point out that he's putting random <deleted> in the hallway... (If a personal effect is left in a communal space, presumably the space within the personal effect remains communal? Otherwise why not just set up a tent in hallway and live there too!)

    • Haha 1
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