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Posts posted by onebir

  1. Consider getting a Thinkpad; they have a lot of replaceable (even user replaceable) components, including the keyboard (about $20 in Asia). I think the keys may even be replaceable individually. Some models also have an LED above the screen to light the keyboard. I've come to prefer this to a backlit keyboard; those don't light up things nearby, like the cup of coffee you then spill onto your laptop, forcing you to buy another backlit keyboard...

  2. The Czech experience (a strict mask mandate beginning March, cases, deaths etc very low through summer, dropping the mandate, followed by  a sharp pickup in cases) pretty much confirms they work in practice too, despite the odd(ball) paper to the contrary.


    Given the cases over the last few days, I think they might be wise to bring back mandatory mask-wearing in Thailand about now, at least for a couple of weeks. (It'll also protect people from the pollution!)

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  3. 21 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    “First of all, if you want to be true to the facts then Cleopatra was Macedonian,” Gadot told BBC Arabic's Sam Asi.

    I think she should have told him something quite different... If black and latino kids in Brooklyn could put on "Fiddler on the Roof" in 1969, how is one basically mediterranean woman playing another basically mediterranean woman (of whom no reliable depictions exist) even an issue in 2020? 


    I guess we're just lucky it hasn't morphed into "Cleopatrans".

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  4. 20 minutes ago, BananaBandit said:

    I suspect this body type tends to be rather sensitive to strength-based exercise (maxes out early, takes longer to recover, etc.).

    Bodybuilding lore has the concept of a 'hard-gainer'; I think that covers your description. Not sure if they have a good way of dealing with it (short of roids + huge amounts of protein).


    But there is the 'greasing the groove'* approach (due to/named by Pavel Tsatsouline). That involves doing multiple sets an exercise per day, (more or less) every day. But with plenty of rest (say >30 mins) between sets and going nowhere near failure (maybe <70% or maximum reps?)


    Might be worth trying (read up on it first tho, my description may not be quite right).


    *Cue riotous thinly-veiled obscenity.

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  5. 1 hour ago, VocalNeal said:

    Ordinary bits OK but will wear quicker than with wood.

    Tungsten steel bits might last a bit longer, and don't cost that much more. (But I see they give you 2x 6mm in that pack, so I guess they'are a bit brittle, especially the smaller diameters?)

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