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Posts posted by onebir

  1. 9 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

    Testing is the answer. That is fairly simple. A very reliable lab based test in the home nation, with test results before you board the plane. Then a simple antigen test at the airport. It takes 15 minutes for results. Sure, Thailand would have to invest in the test kits. Some general would have to be willing to part with a few million dollars. Each test itself, only cost $5 with the new Abbott test, which is available now.

    To be fair, other places are only now getting round to something like this.

  2. On 11/12/2020 at 10:01 PM, webfact said:

    "The drug is not popular in Thailand, and is mostly sold abroad, including Europe, Australia, Taiwan, Japan and Korea," he said.

    I heard (from a doctor, so it should be reliable) that ketamine (aka K-fen = "K powder") is a popular illicit drug in China.

    On 11/13/2020 at 4:17 AM, elgenon said:

    The bag appears to say "Made in Chi...". Where could that be?

    So popular I'm kind of surprised they have any left to export ????

  3. 1 hour ago, fangless said:

    Can I stop a particular poster from sending me PMs?

    If so how?

    I do not want to use the "ignore" function

    See the bit above in this thread about 'hovering' over the user's avatar & clicking 'ignore user'; that lets you block 4 separate kinds of interaction with the user, including just PMs.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 8 minutes ago, placeholder said:

    Ya think there's no correlation between hospitalizations and deaths?

    In most places that correlation seems to be holding up better than the cases/deaths one (which is getting distorted by increasing test volume).


    19 minutes ago, placeholder said:

    Are you denying that there is a lag time between cases being reported and deaths? Because deaths are rising again, aren't they?

    IDK if he/she was, but looking closely at the Swedish cases & deaths charts, I wonder if the normal "cases lead deaths by ~3 weeks" relationship might be reversed there. (Sounds crazy, but if you're not doing much testing, perhaps because you think you're reaching herd immunity, you might only start to ramp up testing in response to a spike in deaths....)


    (You seem to have misunderstood my earlier posts; I don't consider Sweden a 'good example', more be an anomaly.)

  5. 33 minutes ago, placeholder said:

    However, the latest figures show Sweden is experiencing higher levels of coronavirus cases, hospitalizations and deaths than its neighbours, relative to population size.

    IIRC the figures have shown this more or less from the beginning... (but those inclined to support the Swedish policy have tended to explain this away in terms of factors special to Sweden, while never considering that there might be other factors special to Sweden behind that policy's apparent success).


    But TBH many other countries would 'die for' even Sweden' recent daily death rate (<25, for a country of ~10m population).

    • Like 2
  6. 33 minutes ago, webfact said:

    He said actual terror attacks in the kingdom, the world's top oil exporter and a key U.S. ally, had "fallen to near zero" following a restructuring of the interior ministry

    'Sharp tool' incident in Jeddah aside,  I wonder if he's counting the one in the cemetery two days ago on Armistice Day. (Either 2's 'near enough' to zero in MBS arithmetic, or the tool's not so sharp.)

  7. 3 hours ago, placnx said:

    It is highly regrettable that the debate has been between shutdown or "let it rip". There is a middle ground.

    There certainly should be. But in many places, implementing some kind of 'middle way' has been hampered by difficulty communicating/lack of public cooperation &/ failure of politicians etc to abide by rules.


    Right wing commentators also seem to be using the situation to exacerbate distrust in government/civil society. Let's hope they haven't managed totally succeeded by the time it's really needed (eg asteroid heading Earth's way.)

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