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Posts posted by onebir

  1. 3 hours ago, DrTuner said:

    Good, now they have an excuse to take a loan from CCP and let them trigger the debt trap, effectively doing what the Sino-Thais want: selling the country to China.

    Alternatively, as of now, countries heavily indebted to China have an excuse to coordinate and jointly default. (This might even be covered by force majeure clauses in their debt covenants. But I'm not a lawyer or sovereign bond expert so don't quote me...)

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  2. 4 hours ago, donnacha said:

    A significant portion of the population will voluntarily continue to minimize their exposure to other people,

    This proportion may be pretty large. I've seen reports (here and via personal contacts) that suggest "long Covid" can be extremely nasty (comparable to Lyme disease). The real challenge governments face may not be how to impose continued social distancing, but persuading people it's time to stop.

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  3. 14 minutes ago, elliss said:

         UK , have never  adopted , the Euro .

         Gbp , how low can you go . 

    This may just save the UK economy (at the expense of the savings of the populace) if the Bank of England can manage to juggle the exchange rate, external balance growth and financing fiscal stimulus...


    But hell, unlike euro area members, at least they have some kind of autonomous monetary policy...

    • Thanks 1
  4. 10 minutes ago, snoop1130 said:

    4. Vegetables and fruit (bok choy, kale, long beans, celery, sweet peppers, radish, white cabbage, cabbage, oranges and rose apple): 20.8% of samples exceeded safe levels of chemical residue.

    If these are pesticides that accumulate, long term this cause some real problems - especially if this isn't unique to the veggies from the veggie festival...

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  5. 14 hours ago, Maverell said:

    What I cannot understand is why the 'stimulus' packages are so measly, especially as they say they have huge foreign currency reserves?

    The FX reserves are in foreign currency; to stimulate the domestic economy, they need to spend THB. If they used the FX reserves, they'd have to buy (and put upward pressure on the) THB.


    The central bank can just create THB deposits & buy bonds anyway . That gives commercial banks/govt treasury liquidity to go out and lend/spend.

  6. 23 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever seen an olive tree around Chiang Mai. Not part of Thai cuisine, or maybe the climate or soil is wrong.

    The former most likely:


    Chinese olives are inherent to subtropical Asia and Africa. It is cultivated throughout greater China, Japan, Vietnam and Malaysia. It prefers warm summer, consistent rainfall and is sensitive cold and does not withstand sub-zero temperature. It could tolerate various growing conditions from poor soil to drought. The cultivar is naturalized outside Asia in Eastern and Northern United States where it revitalizes forested areas and attracts birds.


    Apparently these were introduced via contact with ancient Rome. So they should be pretty similar to typical Mediterranean olives. However I'm not sure what they're are like treated 'Mediterranean style', because in China they're prepared quite differently (as 'ganlan cai' in oil with olive leaves, or heavily spiced & sweetened. Both a totally different 'kettle of olive'.)

    • Confused 1
  7. IDK how smooth shipping  to Thailand is, but a few stores Aliexpress selling bulk vitamin/mineral/herbal extract powders etc seem to have opened up recently. Could be good if you don't mind measuring with a scoop or filling capsules.

  8. 15 hours ago, Airalee said:

    I was living in China ('Tier 2' city) for much of 2019, and I'd idly* check out the local estate agents now and then. The only 'apartment' I saw for less than RMB200k (~USD30k) looked like it was about this standard. IIRC it was 20m2 & about USD25k.


    *Idly because foreigners in China on a tourist/study visa can't buy property... & everything was horribly expensive.

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