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Posts posted by onebir

  1. 15 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    As far as I can imagine the risks are initial capital investment decline and not getting the hoped for return. Are there other risks than that?

    Not exactly other risks & I think

    a) value bias makes sense after growth stocks outperforming for so long, &

    b) closed end funds are a relatively neglected space (eg often trading at a discount to their underlying assets)

    but these things put me off:

    1) The 'dividend' is partly funded by capital gains; if they get capital losses, it will drop sharply. So changes in capital and income will be (even more) highly correlated (than usual). 

    2) The 25% leverage will magnify losses as well as gains (& margin is available quite cheaply from brokers like IB, so a managed fund doesn't gain much of an edge).

    3) Like all managed funds, the manager may have a bad year (or 3) so although the fund is diversified across assets, it's probably wise to diversify across managers.


    Buying (smart) value etfs on 25% margin & planning on selling a bit for 'income' might broadly equivalent, with lower fees. (Unless there's a juicy NAV discount)

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  2. 4 minutes ago, OzMan said:

    At age 71 (today) it was 34,000 baht, although the policy contained items I have no interest in, such as repatriating my body, loss of travel documents, public liability,... When I asked how much for an 80yo the agent said coverage only possible up to age 75. What do other members plan to do about insurance, if it becomes compulsory, when they are over 75?

    34k baht/month & only up to 75?

    The insurance ripoff seems to be defeating the point of offering at retirement visa...

  3. On 10/25/2020 at 4:30 AM, Lacessit said:

    I'm wondering what a combination of ivermectin and remdesvir would do.

    About the same as ivermectin alone; the evidence for remdesvir has been poor from the start. (They changed the proposed outcome in the first study, that got all the attention, from mortality to length of illness. Big red flag: if you do this, and measure enough outcomes, you can basically cherry-pick one that gives a 'significant' result all/most of the time.)  

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