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Posts posted by onebir

  1. 9 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    American Jews are one of the demographics most passionately opposed to the white nationalist movement of 45

    Ariel Uni "has the largest number of Ethiopian-born students in any Israeli university" and significant minority of Arab-Israelis. The original policy could also be interpreted as racist against two groups who I think are already somewhat marginalized in Israeli society.


    Given that several Arab states have agreed to normalize their relations with Israel, I wouldn't have thought the US normalizing this rather minor aspect of its relations was a big deal (especially for uni that's been involved in holding mixed Israeli/Arab peace conferences too.)

    • Like 1
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  2. 41 minutes ago, Bluedan said:

    But since I've recently increased my jump rope routine, I've noticed a more prominent cavity in the center of my chest.

    I think a vertical groove on the abs becomes visible before the horizontal ones; not sure a change in chest definition is particularly relevant (could be pec development?)

    • Thanks 1
  3. 7 minutes ago, donnacha said:

    Yes, most countries follow that model. The US tax authorities are unusually aggressive. So much for "Land of the Free" if the livestock are not permitted to escape the farm.

    Sadly, I have a feeling that many countries, particularly in the EU, will start to shift towards the US model as they struggle to cover the costs of Covid. I expect already high tax rates to increase to 60 or 70% for at least the rest of this decade, along with higher V.A.T. rates.

    With working online more acceptable than ever, more citizens will try to escape those higher taxes by moving outside the EU, and this will prompt their governments to change the rules.

    Could be a good time to stock up on citizenships then ????

    • Haha 1
  4. 15 minutes ago, donnacha said:

    Actual rich people can afford to pay lawyers to sort it out for them.

    Not only that, for the "actual rich" there are "citizenship by investment" schemes that apparently make it quite easy to get a second citizenship (effectively you can buy one.... for  $100k+, with minimal hoop jumping). No lawyer required (for some of them; some apparently are only available through nominated agents, who I guess are mostly lawyers).

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  5. 8 hours ago, Morch said:

    So long as it remains on the not-buying-cheese level, yes. If it gains traction and effects bigger businesses (oil, gas, arms, tech and infrastructure), positions and words may be reconsidered.

    Considering some Turks attacked some Koreans (iirc... oops!) & closed down a Turkish-run restaurant over the Chinese treatment of Uighurs, I wouldn't be too hopeful about it staying at cheese level.

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