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Posts posted by onebir

  1. 6 hours ago, cmarshall said:

    Why is the G strain so effective at dominating in the US, but can't seem to make any headway in China at the same period, since by May SARS-COV2 was effectively eradicated in China?  

    Government measures etc were definitely a factor, but the bats this virus came from are endemic to SW China & (northern) SE Asia. Similar viruses may have crossed the species barrier recently enough (in evolutionary time) that the local populations have some adaptations that render them less susceptible.

    Examples of similar adaptations: sickle cell anemia (confers some protection to malaria) and CCR5 Delta 32 (confers immunity to HIV, apparently a mutation that was selected for during the Black Death).

    Can't say for sure, or how big an effect similar factors might be having on Covid-19, but I don't think their existence can be excluded yet.

    • Like 1
  2. 7 hours ago, gunderhill said:

    That said the ridiculous UK  house prices today create a huge financial burden on youngsters who already to get a decent  education (which was free right though to university  when I was schooled) creates    debt even before you become employed.

    Housing prices & higher-ed fees: both huge impediments to social mobility, already hugely divisive & only set to worsen.

    • Like 2
  3. 37 minutes ago, Mister Fixit said:

    1)  I suppose I use between 4 and 6 tablets a month, more likely nearer the 4.  It's a bit awkward at the moment because we have my wife's dim 23 year old niece staying which is off-putting anyway but that's not the issue.
    That's not excessive use so no need to reduce intake and if I took a break I would not be able to have sex.  Hence, there is no 'chronic use'  to be concerned about in my view.

    2) No.

    And I thought it was nitrous oxide which was involved in vaso-dilation in an erection, not nitrous dioxide.  I am no biochemist though so I could well be wrong but I think not.

    1) I'd also be surprised if once every 5-7 days wasn't enough to give receptors or whatever time to recover.

    2) Apparently I'm no biochemist either ???? But there are supplements and herbs that increase NO levels and might be worth a try. (Like arginine, which I found on Lazada for about $15/100g)

    • Like 1
  4. 7 hours ago, Mister Fixit said:

    At first I used half a 100 mg tablet of real Viagra, then changed to Kamagra as it was cheaper.  Over time, I had to increase to a full 100mg tablet.  Then I tried the Thai GPO version, Sidegra, but that really was not as good at all so I reverted to Kamagra.

    1) How often do you use these drugs; have you tried using them less often &/taking a break from them?

    'Chronic' use of many drugs causes downregulation of the relevant receptors, weakening their effectiveness. Often the only fix is to stop using them/use them less for a while; this can allow the receptors to recover. (Occasionally there's another drug that prevents receptor downregulation, but that's a bit of a needle in a haystack.)

    2) Have you (or your doc) reviewed their metabolic pathway of silfafenil?

    IIRC it involves increasing NO2 synthesis, and that needs some inputs (amino acids?). Perhaps your intake/reserves of these inputs are low.


  5. 11 minutes ago, rcuthbert said:

    TRT has at least 2 pitfalls. It shuts down your HPTA (hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis*) - which stops (In layman's terms) the testes production of sperm and testosterone - so your nuts shrink.

    The OP had a pituitary adenoma, could his HPTA return to normal functioning?

    • Like 1
  6. 6 hours ago, Sticky Rice Balls said:

    Ive tinkered with this one ...good for a quickie but not long time ????

    See the source image

    TBA: https://www.fda.gov/drugs/medication-health-fraud/public-notification-grakcu-capsule-contains-hidden-drug-ingredients

    (Same warning from Aus FDA; IDK if the verion(s) sold in Thailand also have this problem.)

    Looks like this is what they're supposed to contain:

    - Cordyceps sinensis
    - Goryanka grandiflora (aka epimedium/'horny goat weed')
    - Dodder (aka Cuscuta)
    - Wild Yam
    - Schisandra chinensis
    - Ziziphus jujube
    - Lycium chinensis

    (ie pretty standard TCM herbs.)

    • Thanks 1
  7. On 3/12/2021 at 5:06 PM, KhaoYai said:

    I have to say though that I'd have been happy to have either the AZ or Pfizer vaccines.

    I won't trust the lipid nanoarticle vector platforms until they've been in the wild for about 2 years, just in case they turn out to cause auto-immune disease. (I believe there were issues with that in some of their animal trials.)

    Adenovirus vector platforms (in AZ & Sputnik) have at least been around a lot longer.

    • Like 1
  8. On 3/8/2021 at 3:02 AM, webfact said:

    In the latest accusations, the Wall Street Journal reported on Saturday that a former aide, Ana Liss, said Cuomo in 2014 sometimes greeted her with a hug and kisses on both cheeks, called her "sweetheart," kissed her hand and asked her if she had a boyfriend.

    I hope they never holiday in southern Europe, where thousands of huggy cheek kissing sexual harassments* go unremarked on a daily basis.

    OTOH, how are politicians getting elected if they're insensitive to making people uncomfortable? Can't be a vote-winner...


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