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Everything posted by proton

  1. Anywhere with so many stray dogs, broken pavements and such low health and safety standards will always be 3rd world
  2. It's all boring, average or dangerous, apart from the music. Jintara's birthday today, she is 56
  3. Cutting the 8 MILLION A DAY they waste on illegal immigrants would be a popular start
  4. I'm too pissed to read it all 😁
  5. The thin edge of the wedge, they will be turning up in pink hair, nose rings and tattoos next 😗
  6. I thought it was 3 months after
  7. Surely offering voters 10k is trying to fix the result?
  8. Unless paying income tax for three years continuously forget it.
  9. Any photo's? never saw this myself, security are almost always not real cops with battons, they often disappear if any trouble starts
  10. If thats the official figure it's a laughable exaggeration. Only went to it once and it was the worst concert experience here in 30 years. Ludicrous security, could not take bottles of water in, tops had to be cut off, umbrellas were a no no as well, worse than airport security lines. Miserable atmosphere and mostly ghastly string and rap acts. Never again, went to 11 concerts last month and they were all better than the ones in Pattaya. Just had a look at the line up from March 7th, apart from Bodyslam and Paradox never heard of any of the acts, no luktung or morlam and don't see any phua chee wit, would not cross the road to see any of it.
  11. Too thin and smeary for a blade
  12. whats that?
  13. She would be better off getting a cleaning job, or selling noodles
  14. Not been soi 8 for years
  15. Thanks, what are the disturbing posts, dogs or pro Tump? 😦
  16. We know that mr pedantic, but both are living here
  17. Thanks for posting that, been looking for it
  18. Yes just bad luck, NOT that karma nonsense people are always coming up with these days
  19. Not being able to get a drink with your meal in the afternoon is pointless and damages restaurant income, as well as pissing off visitors
  20. Had a new shower screen installed but they made a mess of it. Quite a bit of clear silicone smeared on the glass and metal frame, I could have done better. Tried the usual things recommended like WD40 and nail varnish remover but not really worked, anything made for the job? On the plus side we had a bathroom sink put in by another guy Home Pro gave us and he did a professional job.
  21. I was in a wine connection last year when tourists were told no wine with the meals as it was after 2PM. We had the same when trying to buy a bottle. Looking at wines with the waitress standing there saying nothing, only to be told when choosing one, solly five past two. Madness. Now we make sure we get there by one. Strangely last time we were given 3 glasses of wine to taste and rate, free. It was well after 2!
  22. There are no transgender men, they are men full stop, with a fantasy.
  23. If he keeps awake long enough 😁
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