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Everything posted by proton

  1. Having known 3 people in my younger years all heavy tokers who died of brain haemorrhages before the age of 50 there might be something in the physical effects as well.
  2. Think they were the first to do it in the 90's
  3. Checking flights to the UK and back I only see one leg possible on premium, the other is in economy. Quite expensive for one part of the trip
  4. More money than sense then ???? all you have to do is fill in name and address and a few other details
  5. Sounds like he's using an agent for an extension, usually from another province. So how would he fill in his address as he is living elsewhere.
  6. You don't have to be old or grumpy to see millions of stray dogs as a negative issue here. Crapping, barking and attacking people marks them out as vermin, anyone feeding these pests thinking they are doing good and feeling all rosey about it are delusional and part of the problem
  7. It appears some immigration offices just ignore changes to the rules which are a benefit to us and stick to old rules, while ignoring other new ones. Sometime ago the money in the bank period for a retirement extension was lowered from 3 to 2 months. I kept it at 3 not wanting to risk it but I recall a poster on here going in with 2 months in the bank and they told him it still had to be 3. Despite showing them the changed rule he got nowhere and no extension, he had to leave the country to get another visa and start all over again. Last year they would not give me a queue ticket without showing them a TM30 print out. Then last Sept they would not do a 90 day report as my TM30 was ‘not recent enough’ even by the old rules this was nonsense, not changed address or been out of the country for 2 years. In the end a supervisor dated and signed it for some unknown reason. This week went in to do an extension, TM30 needed, this time I pointed out the change in the rules I had printed out sent from a member on here stating I do not need one as not changed address and returned with the same visa and a re entry permit. At least she read the new rules from 2 years ago- then ignored it. Wanted 90 day report slip which I did on line, never been asked for that doing an extension so did not have it. They insisted in seeing my TM 30 report, showed them the App on the phone which clearly has my name and address on it. No good, have to see print out or do again- sent to another window. Show her the rule change, she says that does not matter still have to have a TM30. I did have an old print out from 2019, which did the trick so I got the extension. The point is why do they need a print out of address confirmation when they have had many documents with it on since? If things remain the same in another 5 years I will still have to be showing them a 2019 Tm30 print out when they will have had far more recent documents with the same info. Does anyone else go to an office this Tm30 obsession? On the plus side the fruit and veg market there is outstanding and low prices.
  8. Went to major Cineplex at Rama 2 today, first time in over a year. Paying was a real pain, they don't take cash any longer, has to be done on the phone or off a card of theirs you charge up, not with cash probably. Mrs does all that QR stuff but it all took about 10 minutes and far longer than when they still took proper money. Did not bother updating the M card as they stopped the cheap days for oldies. Walking about central lots of restaurants have signs saying non cash payment preferred. I expect this will only expand, what you do when the phone battery runs out who knows.
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