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Everything posted by d4dang

  1. in prisons here the prisoners use pakomas/sarongs to hang other inmates and it is always suicide. The victims are never alone but there no witnesses. Apparently there is privacy in the Patong Station.
  2. so the police recovered some or all of the money? Lucky dummy.
  3. I did not say that. Used a quote that I sent my agnostic friend. How can you thank God if there is no God. That statement has nothing to do with my beliefs. My friend however appreciates it.
  4. try taking some snacks or Chuggie Pops or sates/BBQs and buy a couple of drinks for some hotties...then report on AN...light those bored girls up for a few red notes
  5. so far I can not prove it. And you?
  6. thank God there is no God
  7. pricey appointment....maybe she should have dressed at work which a lot of people do during Songkran
  8. head butting a local in the midst of Songkran because he threw water on him....despite the perps lame excuse the victim will probably never be compensated....tragic
  9. Trump is pissed cuz she did not piss on him
  10. How many of these businesses will survive in the long run? Thais jump into any business opportunity and throw money at it. Now 8,000 shops and counting. How many weed businesses are laundering money? In Canada legal producers are struggling as lots of Canadians buy from friends or grow their own. In Canada you can not see the product before buying it and you can not open the package while in the shop. The shop has a list of products without photos. In Canada prices dropped a lot and prices here are dropping.
  11. Befriend a local policeman, take him for lunch, explain your BIL problem and ask him to have a chat with the Mrs. Buy him a good bottle of Scotch.
  12. d4dang

    Isaan Woman

    teung fy dup?
  13. d4dang

    Isaan Woman

    teung fy dup mhy?
  14. didn't the South African girl get 20 years for accepting a mailed package of MMDA on Samui last year?
  15. there was and he/she supplied the KY and saved the day
  16. Open a home stay and let the guests clean it up while paying for the privilege. Eco Tourism.
  17. Do you have to pay the fine for overstaying if you are dead? Impossible to elude the Smart BMW?
  18. So in a few months they dig it up and sell it as 1000 year old pork?
  19. The BIB step up and catch two easily identified suspects using CCTV with a nice pile of cash at their apartment. Sounds like a set up by Mr Laos. The Liberians will have time to work out the flaws in their scam/s.
  20. You may be able to purchase it on line from India and have it mailed to an address in Thailand. It is probably not restricted in Thailand. Express mail or courier if you have time.
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