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Everything posted by d4dang

  1. ever heard blind beggar man...on their first album...my fave is Essarn Kieow live
  2. He should have paid the BiB...end of story....two pills....meanwhile LOS is flooded with yaa bah, heroin and the rich hi-sco kids are doing cocaine...Red Bull boy killed a cop...this kid did not kill anyone
  3. do any wheelies? must have been a monster!
  4. Right on...use coolant or face water pump problems....I bought a physically perfect looking car but it over heated and over heated...no coolant for years...I sold it for the body parts
  5. Mighty Mouse should man up and go to the US and face justice on his decade old fraud charges. He is a rat on the run. A thief hiding behind his daughter's skirt.
  6. like Sean Penn...if you are old enough to remember...stopped shooting for a week...Soi Bangla boys taught him some manners
  7. Thong Lor experienced for real. Sounds like you did well. Most civilians do not. Although the hi-sco types like Red Punk waltz away. Gravy train posting and not cheap.
  8. he could have ended up with Aem Cyanide. Bail out after preparing the legal stuff. Enjoy your life and don't look back.
  9. was the guy found floating on a raft tired of taking the ferry/s? Could a cheap boat be an alternative? Might be a good business.
  10. tramadol is codeine...
  11. buy a temp gauge, water pressure, oil pressure and amp meter etc. I had a small temp gauge that was digital for 300 Baht and it measured the battery and warned about water and battery issues. And as others have warned make sure you put coolant in. Most Thais don't bother and pay for it later.
  12. Bang Plee near Samut Prakan has thousands of car/truck parts incl rebuilt engines. I got a rebuilt KZd/toyoto 4 cylinder diesel with turbo for around 15k Baht about 10k to install it.....still runs fine after 10 years....lots of good motors for less as the KZd is popular for 4 wheel racers. I got 5k or ? for my old motor.
  13. you can buy the plug in computer for relatively cheap. The engine light that often comes on for some reason and won't turn off without the plug in computer reader is a common problem and some dealers or mechanics charge up to $100. Fortunately your car reset itself.
  14. Is illegal clap better than legal clap? Is illegal weed better than legal weed?
  15. Each warrant can be used to hold the suspect for more time. One appearance in court after three days then 12 days before going to court for the same charge. They can drag her off to court over and over again in a boiling hot van wearing chains from 6am until returning to the women's remand around 5pm. This may have changed but I doubt it. Credit card scammers get this treatment....one charge then a week later another then another. Helps crims cop a plea before facing many charges and more time. Aem continues to claim innocence but as the charges pile up she may cop a plea.
  16. my pal bought a good fake for $200 and sold in the UK for $500.....the weight was good and had a mechanical movement. I will get one for my watch collecting friend. Pay the cops and his watch will be found. The average hooker has too dump it fast for cheap.
  17. unless they get paid enough not to......big bucks already invested
  18. seems to be a lot of mediocre weed. Pesticides, fertilizer or ? Safe for human consumption as medicine? Another out of control cash grab. A new form of vote buying? How many politicians have invested in the industry? How many BIG got licenses and divvied them up with their pals? How will the spoils be shared after the election? Will weed money help determine how the next government will be formed?
  19. Nagas or Payanaks are not monsters and are considered as almost as intelligent as humans. In fact next to humans on the intelligence list. Of course the vast majority of westerners believe they do not exist. But what do I know about where we live? Almost nothing!
  20. solar cool was coated with a reflective film or ? it reflects s very high percentage of heat from sunlight. it would be pointless in solar panels. Like UV sunglasses.
  21. best was called solar cool...it is the mirror like stuff on modern buildings...I installed lots of it and it is much cheaper now
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