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Everything posted by d4dang

  1. Essarn since 85...never a dull moment....never been hotter than this
  2. Highly respected pimp who proudly paid off the BIB for years then turned on them and then jumped on the BIG ship. His park on Sukumvit is a monument to his credibility. He seems to thrive on coups.
  3. probably lost it when he found his gf had a sausage for him
  4. sad...kid on the adventure of his dreams....belt marks? Where are the roomies?
  5. who knows where these "drugs/pills come from? what they contain? seems most do not have fatal reactions but sadly some people die from them all over the world. Considering that full moon parties generate millions of Baht free testing of "party drugs" would save lives and generate positive publicity. It wasn't that long ago when people were poisoned by mossie coils in party drinks.
  6. Does my gf owning land with a chumnote/owner's document for land improve the chances she will get a TV for Australia? Proof she will return to Thailand?
  7. The TQ seems an unlikely bar for this kind of incident. Sounds like it could have been worse without staff and customers intervening. Nutters can show up anywhere.
  8. Find a plot of land to rent/lease and move your house there or tell your wife that is your plan. Encourage her to find a new guy. If someone takes her at 58 consider yourself lucky. Get a good lawyer far from the village. Take control of your future.
  9. which increases whenever promotions occur so the new boss wants more
  10. Maybe you should try an expectorant. I would suggest oregano oil, but there are many over the counter. I have noticed more symptoms in this heat and smog myself.
  11. I bought a Dabwoods online. First device I like after trying many others which contained flavours which bothered my allergies. I vape lightly and one lasted a month. BTW I have noticed BIB vaping.
  12. Where is Chuwit when he can save the day?
  13. Does it have a life boat?
  14. Was that AI?
  15. I wonder how many candidates from the various parties have directly or have relatives who have invested in the "medical" marijuana business or receive funds from investors?
  16. it can be bought from India on the web and it is cheap. They mail it. I bought some for a friend in Canada and he told friends about it and several bought and it arrived.
  17. Dopers did too much of their dope then they came up with this scam.
  18. they got tired of his drunken antics and disciplined him and it went too far and was probably an accident.....suicide would be the best explanation for the police.
  19. so how much will it cost this guy to get this crap over with? Is this an election gimmick?
  20. can't get on the ice to play ice hockey without a helmet. Not sure if he was on the bike with one or not. I used to rent a 125cc bike from a guy who had over 50 bikes to rent. A cop owned all the bikes. The renters were not insured but his bikes were because he was making monthly payments on all of them. One I rented was stolen but was recovered in a couple of days if it was not recovered I would have been on the hook for 25k Baht. The cop was cool about it. One of his employees borrowed(?) it. If you had an accident and damaged the bike you got your passport back after you paid. Medical bills are the renters problem. This is unlikely to change.
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