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Everything posted by d4dang

  1. I think there should be a mandatory warning about insurance or lack of insurance when motorcycles are rented. Nothing to do with the gov't providing insurance.
  2. most bike rental owners/agents buy the bikes on time and must have insurance....but somehow it is legal to force customers to sign contracts which release the renters from liability....the credit card companies pay but their customers have no insurance....the Thai gov't should step up...
  3. Feed the Chinese gummies or THC bevies...they get the munchies and eat anything everywhere...Thai economy booms!
  4. sounds like Phuket?
  5. 6 were identified as underage....I suspect many more were underaged but investigators could not prove it...in my view 6 are more than enough......it can't be easy to sort through the evidence and determine the age of the girls....maybe the defense attorneys will play the "I am innocent because how could I know the age of the girls?" card.
  6. I already answered this previously
  7. only six they could identify
  8. and you can stock up your supply of real Sriracha Sauce!
  9. My friend's 22 year old son was at a grad party when he went to the bar while his gf was in a hotel room with friends. His gf received a phone call. She ran to the balcony and jumped. It was her abusive father. The room was on the first floor and she landed in the garden and was spared serious injury. This was three weeks ago. Proton is right. These abusers are evil and the harm never ends.
  10. there were many photos in the pool, by the pool and in the gardens....pubescent girls...the site was gone in about 24 hours...photos started with the hotel, rooms and restaurant....in Sihanoukville...looked good
  11. does he want to Minister of the Interior in the new gov't after the election?
  12. in N America they put barrels containing pellets(plastic?) in front of many guard rails to absorb impact. They work in most cases for cars and pick ups. Never seen them in Thailand.
  13. b) dek pert sing....kids lose virginity and start having sex lives. Lots before they are close to 16. There are many kids from young mothers waiting to be adopted.
  14. How do they know the age of the girls? They show their ID?
  15. Before covid I was searching for a hotel/resort in Cambodia. One hotel site had photos of of half naked kids in the pool. Boys and girls about 10 years old. I reported it. The scum that run and use these sites should all be locked up forever. Give the guys that bust them huge rewards.
  16. Ellon is happy cuz it wasn't a Tesla...for once
  17. Sadly he was very old and died shortly after the new vet treated him. The old vet apparently did not give him enough Ivermectin. It was 20 years ago.
  18. They have not tried very hard to stop them other than to cash in.
  19. In 1985 the Russian Don was assassinated in his car by a Russian kid in broad daylight on #2 road by the leather shop before Soi Post Office. The Russians were in Phuket investing but there was very little street crime. The riff raff came later
  20. Hope you dog recovers. My Rottie had ticks near his rectum....he used to spin on his butt to get relief. He was treated for ticks but the vet assistants missed them. Second treatment go rid of them. The vet said he had never seen a case like it
  21. he was upset because all the virgins had dicks...or maybe not
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