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Everything posted by d4dang

  1. the Christian Right Republicans would like the return of slavery which would end the welfare state and socialism. They don't have the balls...lol
  2. I have an Ozzie friend who did solars for yonks...he is here in Th if you need advice
  3. WoW....sounds great....maybe one day I will drive by and see it. Enjoy your dream home. Most of my 30 plus here was in shoe box apts....
  4. Could you give us an estimate of the cost of your new home? Looks great. I doubt I could afford it. Is it a rural lot or ocean side or?
  5. about 2 weeks ago a 19 year old Canadian girl bought her first lottery ticket and won $48 million....she is out there somewhere
  6. good on you....great adventures....sounds like this girl ran out of luck but it could have been worse
  7. So the rental companies or individuals who rent out motorcycles can rent them with no insurance and face no liability? What about the other driver? If he was found responsible how would the victim be compensated and how would the amount be determined? I assume she probably would get nothing. The other driver makes a suitable donation and leaves.
  8. they used to sell Morton Bay Bugs at seafood restaurants calling them lobsters...even five star hotels....good stuff
  9. Likely not involved...maybe involved maybe not. Guy is lucky Big Joke is there or he'd be paying to be found not involved
  10. seems the junta crew, Chinese criminals, a few corrupt RTP officers, some Immi boys and unscrupulous foreigners driving taxis have been enjoying economic benefits
  11. take the money out of the narcotics industry and the traffickers will have to find another line of work...do the math
  12. likely kids suckered into working for cheap for the scammer Zhong who was arrested...seems the girls were not arrested
  13. ironic advice considering the availability of vices under his government.....pills, gambling, prostitution/a career opportunity....or join the civil service for tax free benefits/corruption...fortunately most youth know which cars and watches to buy by his associates' example
  14. ....when her paper is low her friends will go...
  15. Status symbol.....
  16. I had two expat friends die of Rabies in Pattaya in the late 80s. Both were bitten by neighbors' dogs and assumed they would be ok and did not get shots. A horrible way to go after much suffering.
  17. Thai gangs used to hire foreign tourists-usually backpacker types to do card scams in Bangkok promising protection if arrested. After being arrest some would believe their Thai friends would show up at the Police station. They end up at BKK Remand waiting for bail while waiting for trial. As the Police find more evidence of more bogus transactions they add charges for every purchase but slowly so the crims end up with many charges. Every charge requires a trip to court in chains and could mean 3 years on each charge so most catch on and cop a plea to one charge and do about three years. These guys look like Euro professionals. They have probably moved on while others sell the goods.
  18. some guys will be looking for her....they know what she looks like and has money...stay tuned for a new romance scam
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