he will be evaluated in a Thai Forensic Institute and be medicated during and a after 6 weeks evaluation. If he or his family have funds he could stay in the institute for an extended period of time or he would be sent to prison where he would be given meds. He may never be released depending on the evaluation.
Thaksin is Five Oh and is coming back. The generals know this. Some are considering the options and will make deals to end up on the right side of power.
Sam Roi Yod can be a very difficult area to locate a good source for a well that provides enough potable water for a home throughout the year and for years. I don't know about finding someone to dowse your property in Thailand but some people swear by dowsing to find places for wells.
Depends will be the future for adult discrete wear. Forget Bit Coin invest in the bottom line...life fulfilled individuals' personal comfort accessories. Who needs pants?