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Everything posted by d4dang

  1. Thais were selling anything they could out of the trunks of their cars to make payments on cars, condos, golf memberships and consumer goods. Rolexes were $500 at pawn shops. Foreigners with money were buying cars, motorcycles, fridges and more for 50% discount. Bangkok had hundreds of building sites abandoned. Night life was affordable!
  2. The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia is a great book about the roots of the drug trade in Thailand.
  3. I put a used Toyoto KZd engine in my truck. Local garage boys took a stencil of the numbers with the Blue Book to the LTO and 300 Baht it was entered into the book. Did another engine switch and the boys created new numbers, did the stencil and it went into that blue book and has been on the road 18 years.
  4. she may help increase sales of Gucci stuff....real and fake
  5. sounds like you over watered it. It probably needs soil with something added to promote drainage and air for the roots like wood chips or small gravel.
  6. the drones are expensive as they come with motors
  7. China has direct involvement introducing fentanyl to Afghan and Mexican producers of heroin to increase potency, marketability and profits. Fentanyl is available in/from China by mail. Four hundred dollars can generate profits of up to ten thousand dollars. It is so potent that a few grains can be lethal. As posted earlier Vancouver and the province of British Columbia has been suffering the devasting effects of this drug for years. Fentanyl will probably be included in yaa bah as it can be smoked and could make yaa bah more potent and profitable.
  8. this is not folklore......many workers get yaa bah while working. Workers esp in agricultural work like sugar cane harvesting get it from employers/contractors and they pay for it. Common in construction as well. I had to bail out my gf's brother who went "crazy" while working and smoking for about a month in Chonburi. 30 years ago it was bennies or white horse pills....there were lots of bad accidents when the drivers passed out...they were available at police road checks and gas stations
  9. hopefully she was conned and bought fakes
  10. Hopefully he is not yaa bah bingeing and will be found soon. Bad time for his friends and family.
  11. Hubby better have GPS in his phone. The Cambodian guy on a motorcycle story is lame. Another young women suffers a horrific death.
  12. tip of the iceberg.....is there a good documentary or book revealing the truth of this fiasco?
  13. it is the fashion and comes with benefits
  14. She sampled a Thai then after hearing so many stories from so many other Thai ladies she stepped up her game and headed to the Big Mango to find a Pua Farung who would treat her like a woman while providing for her, her children, parents, livestock and village. His blue pills made his game all that. Nothing like that first Pua Farung! Sadly the Thai husband fails to accept his game is up.
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