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Everything posted by d4dang

  1. Patong was pretty quiet in 84 but there were some real hotties. The construction boom was gaining momentum.
  2. The kids made a good bamboo bong which could be a local handicraft and sold to tourists. Hopefully they survive the Thai social net. Maybe Tommy Chong will reach out to them.
  3. IDPs with M class can be found on Kaow San and DLs from many countries. Rent a small bike. Ride around and take the test just in case you have an accident. I rode "girls bikes" in Th for 20 plus years. I bought a Harley at 65, did the M class and rode almost 10k miles across America in 4 months. Get a license and ride and enjoy.
  4. Sounds like the fix is in. House arrest? Nice touch.
  5. the Thai Chinese lenders would lend 10,000 Baht then take the interest off the top so you would get 8,000 Baht cash with interest at 20% per month for the 10,000 Baht. Same deal for larger loans. Missed instalments increased the debt. The casino rates were about the same.
  6. I tried the link but it was blocked by MicroSoft. Thanks anyway
  7. to be reopened in a new location with a new name in a couple of weeks by the same owners paying the same officials more.
  8. There are no saints in Thai politics. There is a lot of money and power at stake. Hopefully the generals are on their way out.
  9. One week is not enough unless you love the place.
  10. Electric disability scooters on Thai roads? Hope you live in a quiet neighborhood.
  11. some countries will provide a ticket for their citizens. You usually have to repay the cost. Some give a travel document after seizing your passport. In the past overstaying did not mean deportation if you went to Immi at the airport it was 25k Baht and you could return the next day. Two weeks or two years same deal. Immi Bangkok is and has never been good.
  12. This guy will be in the local lock up then eventually wind up at Immi waiting for a ticket and fine money or a court date w/fine. He can probably enjoy a few drinks while at the local before he is transferred. He had better behave at Immi. Overstaying wasn't serious years ago. Now it is a bad move.
  13. Wrong license plate number. Could be good for the lottery though.
  14. Maybe I had better pass on those Thai Bonds.
  15. Lots of bonds available on Khaow Saan with variable rates.
  16. They are wearing Ukrainian national team jerseys? u
  17. BJ's for me was key for my rookie year 84. Thanks for the flash back
  18. The Hanson Bros could be in Qatar enjoying pricey beers
  19. it is a long way from Lumpini Park to Klong 2 in Pratum Thani. Should be lots of evidence in the car that picked her up (if it is found) that could identify who was in the car.
  20. Looks like you are ready for a ride in Nepal. Fantastic scenery riding along the Himalayas. When you get to remote areas, the locals always say 'the road is good'. The good road kicks your ass but you find yourself in incredible places.
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