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Everything posted by d4dang

  1. quality criminals (those who qualify for Long Term Visas) are quality tourists...criminals without money to invest are not quality tourists
  2. as far as the shooting in Pattaya goes "word on the street" has it that the shop owner collected deposits on Harleys then gambled the money...
  3. she got 20 and the SA girl got 33....seems the Thai girl did a lot better
  4. remember the case in Pattaya where the foreign guy and his Thai gf were arrested for trafficking in "yaa bah". They escaped from the Chonburi jail and a while later the bf was shot and killed by police in Khorat(?) and the Thai gf got 20 years.
  5. After seeing the video featuring the "private school teacher who may have owned or was a partner in a restaurant" who is now fighting for freedom in the Ukraine it seems obvious that there were locals/foreigners involved in his drug business or were benefiting from it. She got caught. Everyone else went to ground including the boyfriend who remains at large. She received one package and gets the death penalty? No other arrests? No assets seized? Was this a lengthy and thorough investigation Samui style? She is guilty and paying the price while the boyfriend is enjoying his freedom and ill gotten gains. I'd bet he isn't sending her any kites or socks or money or will be during her lengthy sentence.
  6. We know it takes money to buy justice....She was thrown under the train
  7. I have visited more than one and the conditions are horrendous One French inmate in 'the Hilton' was constantly complaining of headaches and had a lot of swelling below his ear. One day his ear drum burst and cockroaches came out. If he had been allowed to visit the clinic when symptoms appeared his hearing could have been saved. He could not go to the clinic as he had no money. Foreign and local inmates need cash to buy food sold inside made by inmates or brought in by visitors from vendors selling in a market outside the gates. Guards/officials run the market. The food is very good but expensive. Foreigners can not survive on the food provided by the prisons.
  8. good topic....how about BKK as well?
  9. and mommy expects her daughter to take the fall.....in the name of love
  10. they will pay their respects....search for more Jack hoping to find Johnny Black....secure all cash and valuables...secure and move them to a secure location....light candles and pray...after police interrogation and clearance....sign your praises....party lamenting farung kenieow my me rot me Rolek my me motocye...BUT farung me mia yeuh yaa...suwaiye dooayh.....cheapskate foreigner had so many wives...some real hotties a fine way to leave the LOS
  11. been on lower Sukhumvit after 2am? He/she looks dead but they still be sellin it
  12. I thought that the were two good guys counting Chalerm
  13. great post...I know by experience how difficult the process can be...your friends were fortunate you managed their affairs...I have been through some deaths of foreign friends complicated by no/low funds for hospital bills...document problems...insurance problems...relative problems...spouse or spouses....next of kin that do not want to take responsibility....prepare now
  14. good post....I have been through the process/ordeal more than a few times...up country is usually straight forward if next of kin can be notified quickly and agree to cremation....burials more difficult and time consuming....private hospitals catering to foreigners are expensive and can be very difficult...a body may stay in the hospital morgue at a 4 star rate per day for weeks... cost for preparation and transport to the airport including a casket....air freight.....then the process begins again....local cremation in my experience is done with respect and the people and monks are supportive
  15. Thaksin will be arrested upon arrival in the US for a $350 million US fraud case filed by a former investor in Thakin's cable company....he did visit under diplomatic immunity when he attended the UN in NYC...he can not win the case
  16. Green pants PMs & Brown Pants PMs take turns at the trough....some have to run and some stay...
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