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Posts posted by stuandchris

  1. There are obviously families and couples that come here for the weather, beaches etc etc but there is a huge amount of really ugly men that are here on their own or in small groups who are obviously here for the pretty girls they wouldn't have a hope in hel_l of pulling at home.

    I am not claiming to be an adonis in any way and live here with my farang wife, even she knows the score, she's a scouser and even she couldn't believe the disrespect men showed her in bars, leering and trying to touch her up, she was so amazed that it happened when I was there she didn't like to tell me at first, now she tells them f off or the 6ft 3in gorilla husband will kick their arse after she has finished thumping them. Seems to work.

    Anyone that claims otherwise lives in cuckoo land. Thai Gov claim they want 'up market' clients, get rid of the sad gits and you don't need up market just joe average.

  2. Ok go for a big mac or burger king or a kfc, the price is the same, falangs don't get charged ten times more. The ability to pay is a crock of shi*t, it is a rip off pure and simple. Don't see Thai's not going to fast food outlets cos it is falang price.

    Don't put up with it, drive away, the been here for years crowd who think it is ok to be discriminated against because TIT can go and live in their villages.

  3. OMG the new lights are fantastic, came up from rawai, the tailback went past the u turn for the chalong pier traffic which led to the usual Thai pushing in never mind the dint the car.

    Police trying to work out how to stop people to get the tea money, total confusion.

    This wasn't even rush hour. I am so glad I have time to burn it made my day. Sorry for people that have to work for a living.

  4. Totally agree but arrest Thai's as well, what is the point in driving sober and hitting a pissed up Thai when it is your fault anyway? I have driven from Phuket on a Sat night totally sober and it is scary, kids on bikes screaming around pissed or on Yah Bah, guys in cars so drunk they can't stay in either lane or the shoulder. No lights, wandering around shouting at each other, kicking each other on different bikes for fun.

    Meantime even the sensible falang has to put up with this crap because if they get upset then feel disrespected there is no comeback and show you are upset to a Thai then you are in the wrong?

    So call the law see how far that gets you.

    And the sooner everyone stops saying TIT and kicks arse the sooner things will change.

  5. Sorry to be down, they are all crap, if you want western standards forget it. Your only chance is to pay top dollar and be prepared to spend every minute of the day there to say no good, do again, that is the only way to get what you want and paid for. Don't think for a second that a guarentee means sod all here, once it's finished they don't care.

    Up to you, if you can't be here for the build then employ a farang to oversee. It costs a lot more but saves a fortune in heartache and arguement.

  6. Why do people make a big deal out of trivial things? Pull in ask what you want and wind your window down to check the pump is zeroed, you don't have to get off your arse to do it.

    Get your thousand or two baht of fuel and give them 10 or 20 baht tip, next time you go you are a vip.

    Rocket science or what.

  7. Have to agree with Ironhut, this thread has become a farce, I have now learnt that falangs here can't see the difference between the US [mainly] and Europe [minority] and the others that are so entrenched into the [Thai] way that constructive debate is a waste of time.

    I hoped this forum would give reasoned debate and information, whilst we all disagree with each other, slagging each other off and flaming lends weight to the Thai problem that there is no solution.

    Think about it.

  8. My house !

    And whats wrong with eating English in Thailand, perhaps I shouldn't eat Thai or Indian in the UK, a greek in the US? God forbid.

    perhaps we shouldn't have a car but buy a tuk tuk? After all what is the point of travelling if you do it in a western horseless carriage Jeez.

  9. Actually peaceful disobedience is a hugely effective tool, it worked on a full sub continent in the 40's, sure it took time but it stops effective governance, any force from authority then makes people martyrs.

    I have no agenda from either side, I think the Gov are playing a good game letting this peter out on it's own, if they go in gung ho [as some are advocating] then you risk Tianaman square images which Thailand can't shrug off as China could.

    As for the violent protests, some people have golf clubs and iron bars but who has been hurt yet? A bit of glass and a few gates, whoopee do.

    40,000 protestors on the streets and no confrontation and no serious injury is as peaceful as it gets.G8 summits end in cracked heads all round.

    Personally I am amazed that all three sides are showing constraint.

    I don't support PAD, I think Thai Gov is as corruput as it gets but get a grip here chaps.

  10. Most Brits are actually very polite people, we have the obnoxious minority who seem to pull the whole country down, but having said that people who meet the good majority of us find us quite self affacing, very polite, even painfully so. In fact speaking to Thai's when I am out with my british wife they prefer the well behaved brits to anyone else as they find most other [well behaved] europeans arrogant and aloof.

    As for russians they take arrogant to a whole new level.

  11. Wrecker is spot on, they don't want him back, putting him on trial and maybe prison would quite likely lead to huge civil unrest.

    And lets be honest the shuffling around for the slice of his money that will be seized is of far more importance to all of them.

    This is not a democracy, it is who can slide their way into power and look after number 1 and their mates, it has always been that way and maybe always will.

    That isn't a blast at LOS, most Asain countries operate the same system.

  12. From a Brit, it is safer than UK, if you are sensible you have no probs, my 50 year old wife loves it here as do our two brit dogs.

    just a bit of care and you will have a great time, [We are Rawai as well]

    If you want to meet people give us a u2u, only too happy to show you around.

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