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Posts posted by stuandchris

  1. Happy to go paying or not, prefer not Patong though although we will suffer it for a night in the spirit of sharing!

    Instead of looking for a freebie maybe we could team up with Thai visa, if they can get some sponsorship and we could organise a charity night?

    We get a pi** up, feel good about ourselves for helping someone or something less fortunate and get a few brownie points in the Karma stakes. Winners all round.

  2. When they eventually sort themselves out it will be another little piece to make Phuket a farang zone, a bit like a ghetto, we want your cash but don't want you moving to cheaper places and showing that life isn't always rosey in your shack, they are terrified of the population showing ambition.

    Keep em happy with a little bribe and keep the propoganda going on through radio and tv.

  3. I apologise for my previous post that was a bit of a rant and rave but I believe this situation is really getting out of hand now.

    Going back to my original post and updating, we live in a little soi of six houses, all are professional people with farang or long term thai wives except the one I was talking about and he isn't a party animal.

    The update is I was in the house watching TV and the boss was on the patio whwn she comes running in scared saying there are three Thai's walking the soi with guns in their hands!

    So back to the rant, what can we do? I would suggest that this forum start an e petition to be given to all the major consulates in Phuket and embassies in BKK registering our disquiet about the lack of protection and general lawlessness that has creeped in here.

    I wil write to the local rags and get the old lame excuses, not enough police, plame it on immigrant workers etc but it is only sustained pressure that will get results.

    Our embassies are here to protect us lets get them doing some work for a change.

    How about it Thai visa can we do this through this forum?

  4. This thread goes down the list, don't you people get this?

    Whilst you are talking about where do you come from and where can I can I get I space heater the fact is the most important things are going over your heads.

    Until you get your comfey heads out of your <deleted> this is going to get worse.

    The it isn't me is a crock of sh^t until it is you. Stop sitting on your comfey fat <deleted> and do something about it.

    If you are too lazy then p2p me with complaints and I will.

    After all it is better to try and do something to address a problem rather than moan and do sod all

  5. But it is getting worse and the problem needs to be addressed urgently.

    Phuket wants to promote itself as an 'upmarket' destination whilst this sort of thing goes on on a daily basis.

    Perhaps if the big tour groups, hotels and developers started kicking up in Bangkok something might get done.

    Tourists will not come if this persists.

    Meanwhile the expats I know have bats and worse by their beds to defend themselves as they know calling the police is a waste of time.

    Imagine any 'developed' country where 4 people were waving guns around, armed response in 5 mins, no taking sides because 1 is farang or anything like that.

  6. My neighbour, a very quiet man, who is here on a three month holiday got run off the the road in Patong last week by a taxi driver, as he careered off the road he yelled you F'in idiot to the driver. This it seems was enough for the driver to stop, get out of the car and threaten him before driving off.

    My neighbour went to the closest bar to stop shaking when the bar owner grabbed him and pulled him inside his house as 4 men where outside waving guns to come and get him.

    He is now in hiding for the last week of his holiday.

    What with the murders recently, the muggings in Rawai etc it does seem to be getting worse rapidly.

    I come from a pretty tough place in the UK and never saw a gun in my life, here they seem to be flashed off at will.

  7. Gerd

    I brought our retreiver from the Uk and to get on a flight there are regs as you probably know. The dog has to able to stand up fully and be able to turn round, it is suprising how big that makes them, you could have got a shetland pony in ours!

    Constuction is quite simple, frame and hardboard, one end with a lockable door which should me wire mesh [strong wire mesh], vent holes for airflow and a water drip.

    Probably be easiest and cheapeast to get one knocked up. You can always sell it afterwards as a chicken coop!

  8. Well there is a question.

    It depends what you want, for 1 mill if you mean buy then your options are really limited in Phuket. I know of a duplex in Rawai that is up for 1.3 that is ok, shared pool, thai kitchen but still ok, for your money though you will struggle here.

    Might be wrong but I don't think so, sorry.

    Beware of people offering you places for that sort of cash in Phuket, chances are it's BS or a complete hole.

  9. Hi

    Just went to our local supermarket [Rawai] and there is a notice of an alcohol sales ban from 1800hrs tonight until midnight on Sunday for a pre election, whatever that is.

    Is this just local or all over the island?

  10. Hi

    I hope some of the construction whizz kids can help me.

    I had my house built a year ago and it has a well, however the water was very poor, brown and very tinny. I live in Phuket which is rich in metal elemants in the soil.

    After various attempts I installed an outside water filter [mazumo, looks like a tin rocket] This was filled with carbon and seemed to help. It wasn't perfect but at least it was clear and didn't smell.

    After 6 months the problem began to re-appear , I replaced the carbon and added an extra because of manganese.

    It has gone a bit better but if you boil the water it turns brown, the washing machine has gone brown and stains the clothes as well but the water out of the tap looks ok at first, slight smell though.

    Can you suggest any solutions, would additional filter help, dig the well deeper? It is 10 metres at the moment.

    I don't know if this makes a difference but it hasn't rained for a couple of months now so the water table has dropped.

    Many thanks in advance,


  11. Here is a little poem I thought I would share with you all, I think it was by Rudyard Kipling from the 19th century. Nothing changes!

    It is not good for the Christian health,

    To hustle the Asian brown;

    For the Christian riles, and the Asian smiles,

    And weareth the Christian down.

    And the end of the fight is a tombstone white,

    With the name of the late deceased;

    And the epitaph drear: "A fool lies here,

    Who tried to hustle the East."

  12. I don't mean to be nasty here or in any way smug but all the visa questions seem to be I can't live by the rules for whatever reason what is my way round them?

    Am I being simplistic but to me the easy way is stick by the rules, if you overspend and can't met the criteria why overspend?

    I am sure I will get in the neck now but the solution is really child's play, you know the score, instead of trying to find a loophple live with the rules.

    With all the best will in the world I will never understand where you guys come from.

  13. I think Sir Burr is spot on with his comments.

    Not everyone that comes here wants to live the Thai way, they love being here but like their little luxuries and if they can afford them what is wrong with that?

    If the local shops are unable or unwilling to provide this then someone else will, it is a free market after all.

    Myself I try to balance between the two, that is my choice, everyone else is entitled to pursue their own choices.

    A lot of people that come here go on about the 'freedom' aspect of Thailand.

    Freedom isn't swapping one culture to absorb into another unless it is your choice to do so.

    Freedom is having the right to choose and not be restricted unless it is illegal.

    The takeover of the small store in Europe and US is almost complete now, some survive but they either up their game or become specialist suppliers.

    Business is quite a simple concept, if someone else is taking all your trade you are doing something wrong, try addressing the problem instead of crying foul.

    Finally how many Thai's will be employed by Tesco, a hundred maybe more? I bet they aren't complaining.

  14. In answer to your question, yes kids can make this type of thing up, I have known of cases in the UK of people being accused of what is statutory rape for it all to fall apart when the kids come forward to tell the truth or it gets proved wrong in other ways.

    On the other hand they can also be telling the truth, problem with child abuse the younger they are the less they want to talk about it for a myriad of reasons.

    The whole subject is a minefield, get it wrong and either abuse goes unpunished or an innocent adult loses their job and any standing in civilised community, oh yes and also may go to jail and have a really bad time.

    I have no probs with real offenders getting a life of hel_l but take great care to get the facts right.

  15. It seems it was a bomb scare that was a false alarm, nothing there.

    I live in Rawai and saw the road cordened off, good practice. However I would be interested as an ex professional what other precautions were put in place.

    Was the area evacuated for 200m? Where fire appliances attending 400m away? there are others but they are the two main sop for a bomb scare.

    Just FYI those that were rubber necking on the outer cordon, if it was a bomb you would either be dead or cut really badly now, if you hear of a problem like this it isn't part of the holiday it is time to f off as far as possible. If you want the techy reason I can tell you and give you graphic pics of the back wind of a bomb.

    Not another Thai bashing but I am interested, if the southern problem moves up here and I pray it don't I can supply valuable info from my time in the troubles in the UK

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