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Posts posted by stuandchris

  1. Went to see land and house a few years ago when we first thought of moving here, agree totally, no movement at all on installations and the build quality was unbeleivably bad.

    On top of that it struck us as a souless place so ran away asap much to the agents suprise that we walk away from 'Falang heaven'

  2. Read this thread with interest but got fed up with the rumours.

    They split up, lots of heartache. One tried to keep it going and couldn't [heart wasn't in it]

    The owner didn't put the rent up.

    The restaurant was making a profit.

    Very sad.

    Now put it to rest and find another rumour to gossip about and get a sodding life please.

  3. Where I live you can get whatever drug you want in any Karaoke bar [ I am past the age of that shit thank god] But who owns these bars?

    Crack down on Falang dealers makes good reading in BKK, make a true impression then crack down on locals and the people that own most of these places. [sorry that would be the police then so don't hold your breath]

  4. Went to Desoyaux or whatever, was quoted 1,000,000 THB when I laughed they said ok 600,000. Walked out as you would. Went to Navinda, good service,prompt and problems sorted out no problem, still get good service after 2 years. 5 houses in my Soi, all now have Navinda pools and no-one unhappy. Can I ask for commission please lol.

    This is for lined pools, don't know about tiled.

  5. Got to agree Mom Tri's for honeymoon is the best, any of them, but I think the kitchen is the one for newly weds.

    Depends how much money you have.

    You have to do the reggae bar near the view point at sunset, also the restaurant at Promthep cape which is even better.

    Walk on Nai Harn beach at night and take a bottle of wine, let off a candle for luck. [That is the best, cheaper than all the others and still the most romantic thing on god's earth]

    Best wishes for married life together.

  6. After page 6 of this thread I moved to the end so forgive me if I missed something.

    Having been around here for thirty odd years off and on, Katoeys, Kai Tai's whatever are a norm here. Stop trying to put western values of trannies etc onto them.

    They are what they are, accept the fun that most nice ones want, avoid the nasty ones and live and let live.

  7. Yes it is a requirement, if no-one looks at it that is up to them.

    The guys in immigration can do the same as anywhere in the world, let you stay or not, their discrestion with no explanation. Take your paperwork, give some tea money, smile and no problem.

    Try it on and you might loose.

    Complaining about an official as some boss in BKK might look on this site can cock things up for a lot of people.

    Stick to the rules bizarre as they are.

  8. The owners rent was up for renewal and the price went up to ridiculous amounts per month and a few few million baht as a down payment as well.

    It seems that the bar was too successful and the Thai's got jealous.

    He was also told by a Thai the next day that he was taking the bar over as the owner was making a million a week in profit.

    Typical greed and no idea about business, these people will never learn.

    The Farang had a closing night party, stripped everything out that was his the next day and all the clients left with him, the greedy Thai will now have a bar with no spending regulars and be stuck with a big rent bill or the owner will find no buyer. Oh what a shame.

    The guy will open a new bar close by and the regulars will go there and he will do well again.

  9. A polite question,

    Why is a black Fortuner a power thing?

    I bought one because it is value for money, 4 wheel drive if needed and has some presence on the road if my wife drives it.

    Perhaps to be truly accepted here you need a 125 wave with an illegal sidecar and drive with no concern for your own or others safety. Why have rear view mirrors? They only get used for fixing the hair and squeezing spots.

    I drive my black fortuner looking after me and and my passengers, I try to let other other road users out which confuses the f*** out of everyone and makes things worse.

    Instead of putting somenone down with an ok [ish] car you might address the problem to to the 99% of people on the road that have no training.

    And to be honest the farangs that have been here for a few years are even worse than the Thai's.

  10. All interesting reading but until Thai's accept the principle of elected gov, no matter how bad or good is what you are stuck with this will never change.

    Of course the only way to democratic governiship is to get rid of corruption, so don't hold your breath, it will never change, hasn't done for countless years. If they ever wake up to the fact that corruption stops wealth then the country might take off but raking money in on the side is endemic from the lowest to the top.

    Live for today mentality will keep Thailand a third world, or at best a second rate country.

  11. Not here for cheap sex, am here with my wife but the thread is spot on. Most [and that is not all] come here for sex, witness the guys with pony tails and huge guts with the pretty Thai girls, a lot of guys who are married are here because they can't hack it anywhere else.

    I know this will p a lot of people off but it is true if you stop and really look.

    You can qualify it all you like and slag me off but it is true.

    Lets at least be honest, you aren't here for the fortune you can make, you are here for the laid back attitude and the girls that will lay down with somone thirty years older than them.

  12. I just got mine this week, no problem at all, in and out 30 mins.

    To be on the safe side I took everything, photocopies of passport pages, house book, pictures, the lot, they seemed to like the fact I dumped a pile of papers on the desk, they looked at some, didn't look at others and after a bit of banter about no money go home with lots of smiling and laughing they were happy.

    There is a tall slim guy at immigration, he sits on the far set of tables on the extreme right hand side, very helpful and good english.

    Good luck when you go.

    I also took a Thai friend which was very helpful.

  13. Sorry but this makes no sense at all, are you complaining that SUV's have taken the place of buffalo's, or is it a cycle track thing?

    You have a point about the charm going but mixing it with a complaint about pompous car owners is nonsense.

    And yes I do have a SUV, I am not pompous at all, am courteous to bike riders even stupid farang bike riders who themselves seem to have forgotten how to drive in a safe manner.

    You seem to be after the days were you could drive down deserted roads in any manner you want. Money has arrived and you resent it.

  14. Nice to see the standard replies from the truly stupid.

    Hope you can catch bullets, be ready to leave now etc.

    The guys wife was being threatened, what are you suggesting leave the Thai's to it and let her get a beating?

    Grow up, he did the right thing, in fact he was too restrained, if anyone threatened my wife they wouldn't walk for months and that is not tough guy talk.

    There is a saying that a lot of smart <deleted> here should remember, if you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem. Seems a lot of farangs here are part of the problem.

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