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Posts posted by stuandchris

  1. I can't believe that Thai Visa hasn't put anything in the headline section about the demo's in BKK. Is this part of the ban of reporting that was threatened to the press?

    No-one else has had any thoughts either [unless I have missed the thread or the plot!]

    I know the web site has to be non political but a report would be informative as would comments from residents in BKK.

  2. I have heavily impacted lower wisdom teeth, causing me major problems, like severe vertigo and constant dizzy light headed feeing! So its time they come out, although because of the wa they are sitting im going to need surgery to get them out and i cant find anywhere in phuket that uses GAS sedation...im terrified of this and i dont think i can get it done unless im asleep haha...one place in bangkok do it under IV sedation but the charge is 60,000b JUST for the sedation!!!

    anyone got an good dentists in Phuket who can put me to sleep?

    If it is that bad it a hospital job my friend, anything else is a total risk. Removal involves cutting the gum open and if it is as heavy as you say, shaving the jaw line.

    Phuket International is a good bet.

    Good luck.

  3. For me I don't care if I am thought of as Farang, in talks with Thai friends I point out that Falangs invented the postage stamp [think about that one] telephones, aircraft, internal combustion, the industrial revolution, computers, everything we take for granted now and everyone wants.

    Why do we have money and are thought of as walking atm's whilst most Thai's are poor?

    Then ask in all innocence what have Thai's contributed to the world?

    The silence is deafening. Not knocking Thailand but be proud to be Farang, I think it is a badge of honour not an insult.

  4. It is the start of making Phuket an island for farangs, simple really. This is how most Gov's introduce things, innocent checks then it gets harder for people to come in and harder for people to leave.

    You will slate me for this but this is the start of an enclave.

    I just hope it is a duty free enclave lol

  5. Most people here know that BKK hospital is a rip off and they also do card scams. But then again it is the farang hos of choice. Phuket international is far superior in care and cost.

    This is still away from the thread, if you want to start a hospital thread then fine but this is about muggings and violence, the original issue about bills have been addressed.

  6. I have been known to occaisionally read whole sentences without narcilepsy !

    I was under the impression that the explanation about payments to the hospital had been explained. The thread was also about payments, not botched jobs at any particular hospital, as such that is off topic.

    Sorry to correct you but you should read all the replies as well as the sub text, then when you have understood a comment you can t construct an accurate critisim

  7. I fail to see the relavence of bins compared to peronal safety. There have been loads of coments here about what a waste of time complaing is to police. embassies etc.

    We are now getting replies from the police in the Gazette, the British Ambassador has expressed concern [ to my complete amazement, they are usually the worst embassy in the world].

    OK we have the brits complaining diplomatically, where is the German, Swedish, Norwegian etc.

    Some of you have nice places, invite them down to spend a couple of days with you, they like a freebie. Invite them down.

    Come on guy's we might even win this one. Do us all a favour keep the pressure on.

    If you want to entertain them they can come round here, I will shove BBQ bratwurst and strange lager down them till they burst lol.

  8. I was quite interested in luumark's reply until he started on the Pattaya 5 years ago bit.

    I first came to LOS [bKK] in 1975 and it was a bigger hole and more depraved than Pattaya is now, no I don't live there.

    Don't blame the lack of culture on the expats or 'sexpats' even though I personally despise them.

    It isn't the influx over the last 5, 10 or 20 twenty years that have spoilt your idea of cultural Thailand, that culture went a hundred years ago.

    BKK thitry five years ago was a whore's playground and that was before the pervs could afford the airfare.

    It is a shame but culture left when money arrived. Culture is for the 'classy' tourists now.

  9. It isn't just the higher cost of air fares from Europe and the US. People come to a country once and if they like it they return. Europeans are starting to realise that there are better 'exotic' places to spend their Euro's.

    The Gov here is just like the small businessman, no concept of repeat business, just what can we get today.

    They think it is ok that as one market gets peed off another opens but the russian market is even harder, they give no-one a second chance.

    Starting to get a bit worried? Here is the solution.

    Sort out the crime.

    Stop trying to rip people off because they are tourist.

    Give a proper 21st Century service.

    Give a proper infrastructure and get of the tuk tuk mafia, they are cute in other countires, here they are a pain.

    Give metered taxi's everywhere.

    One price for all.

    Get a reliable internet service at real world costs.

    STOP THINKING THIS IS THAILAND WE ARE GREAT. It's a big world and people with money to spend know that.

  10. For me it is fat ugly Bastards that come here with a bit of cash and think they are gods gift cos a a Thai girl see's money and they are too stupid to realise what it is about. That is about 90% of people over fifty here.

    People with huge red faces and drunkards noses sitting outside Mom and Pops market at 9 in the morning with the Chang breakfast.

    Others with baldy heads with a pony tail and huge guts riding hogs thinking they are cool, even they must realise how ridiculous they look.

    Farangs that come here and 'rent' a girlfriend and then moan they aren't getting the full manicure service for 1,000 Baht.

    The list is endless and most of it our problem.

    And we wonder why Thai's treat us with contempt.

  11. Yes but when Ambassadors get involved the Home Country gets interested.

    Thai's don't respond well to criticism but they respond well when their pockets get hit.

    Pressure is growing now, don't let up. Keep writing to your embassies, keep complaining here and any other web site you can think of.

  12. Went down to my local bar in Rawai for a game of pool tonight. Thai owned but farang customers.

    No can do it seems. The police have been round and told them that you need to have a license and two pool tables to be able to operate.

    This is for all bars in Rawai.

    It seems it is to stop Thai's gambling on pool games.

    A couple of simple points.

    Why do you need more than one table?

    Why is it farang bars?

    What is the bloody point? The cops get more tea money in fines.

    Tell you what the complaining about shootings, mugging etc is really hitting home isn't it. What is the answer. Stop people having a game of pool.

    UN BE F in Leivable.

  13. Perhaps it shows how serious this is becoming if the UK Gov are getting off their <deleted>.

    Mailing your embassies does work. Lets see the Swedish, US, Canadian, German and others get down here and do the same thing.

    Great stuff, how embarrasing for the local authorities.

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