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Everything posted by BonMot

  1. I seriously doubt airport immigration has the ins and outs of a marriage. If you think how fast they process people it's basically a computer telling them thumbs up or down.
  2. I have to laugh because while Thailand is economically imploding these bureaucrats act as though they're processing 50m proles a year... First class lol.
  3. You send your passport to the embassy. Done properly it's returned in two weeks. All the information is posted on the website. There is no Pattaya service. Why would the embassy see a need to concern themselves with expats that live in ... Pattaya I fail to even see the purpose of this post. Did you even visit the US embassy site or search this website you practically live on? Sheeeesh ????
  4. Have a fake wallet. Stuff it with small bills. Throw it one direction - walk/run in the other. Lol. This is Thailand. One of the greatest things about living here is not worrying about this sort of stuff. Move back home. Then your worrying may be of use
  5. You don't think the Chinese have sold such systems to Thailand? Perhaps the US as well.
  6. Not neurotic. About half of those questions I'd say yes to. Perhaps ironically or paradoxically for a few of you I'm not especially guarded about my passport #. Never had any issues I'm aware of after eight passports. Some things are just out of our control. My wife does a great deal of electronic processing online. Not to push it on her but again just minimizes the exposure. I do have an emergency cc. Rarely use it.
  7. Not if you use ATMs directly attached to banks and minimize transactions. I wd money 1x a month. Anyway, up to us ????
  8. Because it's what can happen to all credit/debit cards. This sort of crime is international. Yawn
  9. As the saying goes.. Thailand loves paper. This includes cash money. Using cash I'm absolutely certain of avoiding fraud, swift transaction and my data, spending habits and personal information are not being sold on. Hand a card to staff in a pub? Disappear backside? You must all be a bit daft or noob
  10. Posts are routinely taken down for not being related to Thailand. Ok... It's expanded into the region obviously those subs are ex exceptions as are home forums but it's not for blathering on about you common UK experiences. Obviously... Go find a UK forum. Last time I checked UK is not Thailand nor ASEAN but given the exchange rate I'm sure you might wish that so.
  11. In my sixty one years I have never lost my wallet - so, based upon past experience .. no. *Losing
  12. I understand YOU might not have a concern in regard to YOUR loss of privacy but I certainly do. https://www.forbes.com/sites/moneybuilder/2011/01/26/is-the-government-tracking-your-credit-card-purchases/?sh=53a557006701 Not to mention you're wrapped up in credit reporting agencies as well.
  13. So, you point to one big city supermarket that your card works sometimes. I don't shop at tops. Great. This is far from a universal truth.
  14. Much of my point. Exactly as I'd described. Then there's the checking of statements and concern over theft and fraud. A solution in search of a problem.
  15. This is lunacy. Nuclear weapons have been detonated for nearly 100 years on and under the planet. Nagasaki and Hiroshima excluded the world hasn't even noticed. If what you are positing is truly a full blown nuclear war that is just outright stupidity and the thread should be closed.
  16. They might be more convenient for the cardholder but not faster. You're deluded. Let's say the time it takes to hand over and return the card is equal to that of cash. Then the CASHier has to put the card in the machine, wait till it is accepted or not where the broke person offers another card... wait for that. 30 seconds for processing and then the fumbling to sign the thing. It's not even close. Real men use cash Who might want to know? Could be anyone.
  17. Just let corporations track the time, date, location, object, quantity of purchase that's all.. You are hilarious Not to mention cash is 2x faster.
  18. It might have just been a prompt built into the system to see if your ppt is up to date assuming you have a big c card which of course you do. It could also be on occasion they will offer a discount to you based upon the $$ you've accrued. You need your ppt general6yo get that discount. Relax
  19. This has been an ongoing saga for decades. It's just a corruption scam. Been fixing Beach road since forever.
  20. I just bought a pair of Jabra 3 but it will be weeks before I can try them out.
  21. Batteries have come a long way for those things. I have an old pair of Redmi and they barely last an hour... Maybe not. New sub USD100 buds from US will last 7-15 hours. If you have a cheap pair they're prolly toast
  22. How would the electronics receive music and deliver music to your ears? Wind power? Geothermal? Magic?
  23. No, I would not expect that. I pretty much only eat Thai food and drink foreign whiskey or vodka. I understand the parallel but don't think they equate. Full English breakfast is heavy and nothing but whinging, complaints on TV not made correctly. A decent bottle of whiskey or bourbon (1200+) generally meets expectation. The whiskey is 100% import, food ingredients are 100% domestic.
  24. I'm not Joe Fitness but that looks like a heart attack on a plate. As an American I never understood the drive for this meal by tourists and expats alike. Baked beans for breakfast, cooked tomatoes as sides. Yuk.
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