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Baron Samedi

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Everything posted by Baron Samedi

  1. Many Chinese stocks are massively undervalued. Just look at the fundamentals. I wouldn't worry too much if I were you.
  2. Pattaya is pretty much dead right now. I love it. It's calm. Mainly Indian tourists, a few western tourists and the usual expats. That's it. At night, bars are full of girls but almost no customers there. A pain in the ass if you ask me as the girls will essentially harass you all night. I don't go on Walking Street. It might be a bit better there. I've been on several walks along the coast from Pattaya to Naklua. Very few people on the beaches. Mostly Asians. Beautiful wooden temple near the sea called the Temple Of Truth just before Naklua. Russians are nowhere to be seen. Depending on what you are looking for, you're gonna love it or hate it. I love Pattaya right now because it's a livable place. The only thing that I find disturbing are the bar prices. Despite massive competition and an obvious lack of costumers, they are very high indeed - especially if you take into account the not-so-favorable exchange rates. So essentially, the worse thing in Pattaya is the nightife - for me anyway. Who would have thought? ???? If bar owners lowered their prices and asked the girls to behave properly. It would be paradise on earth.
  3. Cryptobull<deleted>. My god when that bubble is gonna blast....
  4. Pretty low suicide rate in this country (even though it's on the rise) ???? In Europe, France has a population roughly the size of that of Thailand and has 9000 suicides a year.
  5. I'm talking about the next 10 years not long term. China will indeed have a serious demographic problem by 2040. That being said. The Chinese tech sector is extremely well developed and this is where money is being made these days. So will the Chinese economy collapse because of an ageing population. Probably not. In fact I believe China will keep growing its middle class. Just look at Korea or Japan. Completely fubar demographically speaking but economically still relevant (Samsung, Softbank...). On the other hand, ageing countries with zero tech excellence might face serious problems. Thailand is a good example of that.
  6. China will be just fine. Their central bank didn't even start with QE. China won't have a banking crisis. Growth forecast for the next 10 years stands at 5%. Chinese middle class still growing. Thailand should worry about its own domestic problems.
  7. Oh ok. Got it. Man it's really different from what I'm used to ???? In a way, it's easier the thai way. It's gonna take a couple of months but I will eventually get use to it. Thx !
  8. I'd say that's inaccurate. For what I've learned, Thai do have tenses. Pom gin = I eat Pom ja gin = I will eat Pom kamlang gin = I'm eating Pom kamlang ja gin = I'm going to eat Past is a bit trickier. I don't really get it. As far as I know they put leeow at the end of the sentence or they use dai before the verb. Anyway, Thai syntax is some next level prehistoric shenanigan. So bad it's hard for me to comprehend how they can actually understand each other ???? (just kidding)
  9. What a weird world where poor people become stars on social medias for displaying their precarious lifestyle. Our system - whether you wanna call it industrial, capitalist, liberal or whatever - is really FUBAR. Or maybe I'm the one getting old I don't know...
  10. Robinson Bowin I'm not sure but David Bowin died a few years ago. Hope this helps. Regards.
  11. Exactly what I was looking ???? Gonna try and figure an easy way to go there. Thx man
  12. Nope. I'm walking. Don't feel like driving in Pattaya.
  13. So if I wanna say "will eat" in thai, I'd have so say "ja gin", right? What word do you use to talk about something in the past. You know like "I ate", "I have eaten", etc... Thx
  14. I'm looking for non-resident friendly pools so to say ???? I'll have a look at Pattaya Water Park but I'm pretty sure it's expensive. What I had in mind was more the kind of place where you pay 40THB or so to access the pool and thats it you know. Like a municipal swimming pool back in our countries you know. Sounds cool. Can a non-resident pay a fee to use that pool ?
  15. Ok. So how does it work? I just present myself at the reception and ask if I can use the pool? How much is it usually? Thx
  16. Hello wonderful people of Pattaya ! I'm trying to figure out where I could find a decent swimming pool in this town. I've spotted a nice little place earlier today not too far from the junction between soi Pothole and Thanon Chalermprakiat. Some sort of beer garden I believe with a swimming pool in the middle. Nice place but the pool was too small. So anyway. Where can I find a swimming pool where I can actually... swim ???? Thanks
  17. Free university won't change a thing if the entire system remains rigged by nepotism and cronyism. Rich people have something that no university can provide: powerful networks.
  18. Mullvad = no problem.
  19. Yeah exactly. Some Nivea spray. Can't remember the name now... Something like "Black Tentation" or "Dark Seduction" ???? You know the usual BS name they give to their sprays. But it has nothing to do with that specific deodorant anyway. Look it up on the internet. You'll see it's a very common issue when wearing white t-shirts.
  20. Too lazy to order on Lazada so I went for the more expensive 7-11 alternative. That deodorant is essentially a stone fixed on a plastic basis. Brand: You & Me @ 7-11 Price: 60THB+ Will probably last for months. IMPORTANT - In order to work properly, you need to humidify your alum potassium block a bit before applying. Don't over do it or the potassium will crystallize in your hair Fun fact - that potassium stick can be used for many different things. More info here (just watch a couple of vids): Alum block vids
  21. Wonderful ???? Not even the need to order on Lazada. I was about to ask if this was it. Found it on the Big C website: https://www.bigc.co.th/deodomin-natural-roll-on-deodorant-60-ml.html Bpai 7 ba ! Thanks a bunch to all of you on behalf of my t-shirts ????
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