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Everything posted by NextG

  1. I used to stay at The Gallery on Soi 8. Pools are on the rooftops, as are the gyms and sauna. I used a DTAC 20 Mbps SIM and got 20 Mbps down with 4 Mbps down. YMMV.
  2. Better you put together a VOD(video on demand) system. You are too old to be sitting in, waiting for a particular movie ???? Netflix and the like is cheap, as are Android boxes.
  3. Try producing the code in the first place. Without it, DTAC cannot help you. If that doesn’t work, your next stop should be a call to the AIS call centre for the MNP code that you need to take to DTAC.
  4. ‘Twas the other way around. But there was no pointing. Prayut held up his hand: https://www.thaipbsworld.com/pm-prayut-admits-to-being-sole-coup-maker-as-deputy-prawit-defends-his-luxury-watches-in-censure-debate/
  5. Yes. Let’s understand this one. Nothing to do with “moving to a country”. That was just your addition. I actually wrote that if a law was promulgated(we can assume that you were already living wherever this new law appeared) stating that you had to give up your first born… Don’t just make up an argument that has nothing to do with what I wrote. My point is simply that a law can be promulgated by a temporary administration in order to benefit themselves. Many people might disagree and under pressure that ‘law’ is repealed. So because a few people decide on something, millions if not billions of people can be negatively affected. You just go along because you are afraid of any possible consequence. My answer to that is that you likely would not exist at all were it not for those who resisted unjust laws. I’m not writing about criminality, but simply living a life above repression. Otherwise you are already in a jail of your own making. We all do to a certain extent. I create my own moral boundaries and live within them. But if someone came along and suggested my first born belonged to them; I might resist.
  6. Name calling and deliberately choosing to miss the point. If you choose to follow the law because you are afraid of the possible consequences of not doing so, that is your prerogative. But to suggest that you are right and any who has another view is wrong, is clearly an unsustainable point of view. You appear to follow the law out of fear for your own safety, rather than whether you think it right or wrong. That means anyone can come along, make up the most crazy laws and you would follow them without question in order to “stay out of jail”. This, in effect, is what you have written. The problem with that is that laws aren’t written by countries… they can also be written by evildoers.
  7. Obviously in this case it is you doing exactly what you accuse “Biden supporters” of doing. I see you stating that Trump has “balls” whilst Biden supporters are “woke”. Insulting and divisive. It seems by your statement that it is you who is projecting hatred. You also seem to hate that they appear more intelligent. They either are or they are not, but the fact that they appear to be seem to raise your ire. Then you describe them as ‘anti Trump supremacists’. More childish name calling. Hardly intelligent political analysis is it? From someone who doesn’t involve himself in U.S politics, I am only saying what I see. It’s you, not them.
  8. Ironic. “calling out the behaviour” is exactly what I did when writing, “Why is it always the same people…?”
  9. So if a law is promulgated, stating that you have to give up your first born…; you’ll just follow? Regardless of whether you agree or not or your personal beliefs?
  10. Drug users? Does that include people who use Paracetamol etc? I smell a Troll…
  11. I think you mean ‘smokers’…
  12. Why is it always the same people….? I’m referring to you, amongst others. You appear to be part of the problem… Always partisan. Always polarising.
  13. You are still pushing this one ???? Again, personally I have not ever been in such a relationship. But I seen many others who fell into that trap. You are only looking at the issue from your perspective and others like it…a kind of confirmation bias. But I am sure that you are also aware of ‘local’ girls siphoning money from their sponsors in order to give it to their ‘brothers’/boyfriends etc It’s not unusual for women to pay for men and it’s definitely not unusual for them to share costs. In fact, both of these situations are the norm for me. But once I left my teenage years, I stopped accepting the allowing of a woman paying for everything for me. I simply do not enter relationships wherein it is expected that I pay for everything. The one time that I tried to do that, it turned out that her parents were amongst the European elite. Her offer was for me to stay with her and to not ever have to work again…. I don’t allow money to make those choices for me, just as I don’t try to impress anyone by paying for everything. If she likes me, she can pay too. Normal.
  14. I think that you have misunderstood that law…. The ‘benefit’ to the woman can be the sex itself….
  15. You’ve clearly been running around with blinkers on.
  16. As I thought… you read what they want you to read, but with no underlying knowledge of your own. All these things have been taking place under your nose, the difference is that it is swept under the carpet for some and used against others when ‘necessary’. I guarantee that if I scrutinise your life that I will find some skeletons in the cupboard. iTV shares…. pathetic!
  17. https://thainewsroom.com/2023/01/05/prayuts-nephew-traced-to-providing-500-tour-buses-to-grey-businessman-chuwit/ Can you remind us of the outcome of this?
  18. English not your first language? Since you claim to know about the bigger issues of election laws being broken, perhaps you can list them here for discussion. I don’t mean ‘cut and paste’; I mean facts from your claimed knowledge. I seem to remember others electioneering before others were allowed to do so. I remember massive corruption anyway. Your memory seems to be somewhat clouded and altogether more ‘select’.
  19. You are simply generalising, from a position of low knowledge. Also quite unpleasant to be ‘judging’ your ‘friends’ in such a manner. Do you really know what is going on in the minds of your friends. Has there ever been a case of someone you may have known who seemed fine on the outside, suddenly going down with depression or even ending it all? You have no idea really. You just have an uninformed opinion.
  20. Hopefully TOT/NT Wireless will know more will regard to Band 40 access at your location. They have a seven day money back guarantee as far as I know. https://wcsoss.totwbs.com/promotion https://shopee.co.th/nt.official_shop
  21. I don’t know anyone who uses it recreationally. I guess many people self medicate. Some may end up abusing it. For example, someone who suffers overly from anxiety could benefit using a small amount of cannabis. Are they recreational users? In the same way, someone might take a small amount of alcohol to ‘settle the nerves’. Is that a recreational drinker? There will always be people who do things to excess. Should the people who need access to a natural medicine suffer because of the actions of a few? Personally, I bought some for a specific reason and now that problem is all but solved, the rest is just sitting there. Just like any other medicine in your cabinet. Can be useful from time to time, but you may need to take a course initially. Normal.
  22. The way that you have edited the post, makes it look as if I made the comment to which you are replying.
  23. It’s ‘up to 100 Mbps’. Location and equipment permitting. If you are looking at a high speed solution just for the home, take a look a the NT Wireless Thunder SIM. Mickeymaus has done a review of it. 999 baht for 12 months of ‘max speed’ Internet access.
  24. I understand what you have written, but did you confirm the start and end date with DTAC in the first instance? A twelve month deal is exactly that. If it stops working earlier, query it. DTAC themselves sell these packs, so you aren’t getting any great deal by saving 100 baht in buying it from an unreliable source. There is no reason to accept anything less than you purchased. https://www.dtac.co.th/en/prepaid/products/ready-sim.html
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