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Everything posted by NextG

  1. Codes can be requested by bona fide members via PM if necessary.
  2. Truemove H still have unlimited 15 & 20 Mbps available via USSD code this month. 200 or 300 baht.
  3. Your post is full of nonsense… I stopped reading after the second paragraph, as it was already clear by then that you don’t have a clue…
  4. Where did you meet yours?
  5. “The wedding preparations start with the sou khor (bride-price negotiation) procession. The bride-price is usually money and gold, but it can be anything valuable. Traditionally this is asked by the bride's parents as a refund for the breast milk that has been fed to the bride since she was born (literally translated from Lao). How much? depends on the family social status of both sides. Nowadays many parents don't ask for anything as long as their daughter is happy. Once the small baci is finished, a convoy of the groom is sent ahead to give the bride-price to the bride’s parents. The bride-price could be gold or money” https://factsanddetails.com/southeast-asia/Laos/sub5_3b/entry-2953.html#chapter-4
  6. Run away….. https://thethaiger.com/news/national/i-still-love-her-laos-women-marries-thai-man-then-runs-away-with-the-dowry
  7. Three times ????
  8. Why not watch the video before posting such speculation…and then suggesting that you weren’t speculating ????
  9. More nonsense. The driver wasn’t even in his lane.
  10. https://protonvpn.com/support/protonvpn-setup-guide/
  11. Most refuse to listen, in the hope that their situation will be different. It’s like a running joke that is not at all funny. I’ve met girls who would do most anything for me, but understood that I would not ever allow myself to bond with them. If I would not consider such a girl in my home country, it would be even more ridiculous to consider in another. But that did not stop me from treating them as I would want to be treated. So I got to see another side. I would even be sitting there whilst they met potential suitors. I would hope for the best for both of them… I know of only one couple who have been successful. But they moved away from Thailand. I make a point of not getting involved with any of their relationships, even if they write. I keep everything above board. These are my standards. I know a lot, but I don’t get involved.
  12. Long answer: To fix the error manually, it will be necessary to remove all of the files partially downloaded, and try again to update your Windows files. 1. On the Windows desktop, press Start, and when the menu opens up, 2. Press Run, and input the following command “services.msc” 3. In the Run box, type "services.msc", and press "Enter". 4. This will open the "Local Services" window. 5. In the Local Services window find the name “Automatic Updates” and right click. 6. On right click, scroll down and press “Stop”. This will cause the Automatic Updates to pause to correct the situation. Do not close the Local Services window. At this point you can go to the "Software Distribution" folder and delete its contents, or give the folder another name. It is advised that you just rename the folder, 7. To do this go to the Windows desktop and press “Start” then press “Run” when the menu opens. 8. Input the “cmd” command into Run, and the computer will take you to the DOS prompt. 9. At the DOS prompt type in this command “cd %windir%” (without the quotes), and press Enter. 10. You should now be in the Windows directory. 11. At the Windows directory, input “ren SoftwareDistribution SoftDisTemp” and hit "Enter". This will rename the Software Distribution folder to the new name of SoftDisTemp. 12. Type "Exit" and hit "Enter" to close the DOS window. 13. Now go to the "Local Services" window and right click "Automatic Updates" to restart it. 14. Try Windows Update again. An ‘over the top’ upgrade might appear less onerous.
  13. It’s not an issue of a lack of space that it doesn’t install. It might have been the issue initially, due to the required files to complete the install not having been delivered in the first instance. He can clear away the perhaps incomplete download and then try to download the the update again. The reason why I went with an upgrade install is because he already had that downloaded. A clean install is good because it won’t take up even half the drive, leaving enough space for the eMMC drive to work optimally. I suggest the next time, before you decide to be rude and to start an argument… check the error code.
  14. From what I see, they were very careful in crossing, probably especially because they had a drink or two. But if the driver pulled out of a side street at speed being more concerned with not being hit himself…. That would explain why the driver wasn’t yet in the driving lane.
  15. Sounds like quite the existence. If they can do that and live long healthy and happy lives, then we can say that it works for some.
  16. On your final sentence, we disagree…. and to be frank, quite a bit of the rest of what you wrote. If you don’t pay, you are not a source of money. That doesn’t mean they won’t get money from someone else. 100% I get better ‘service’ from the people who actually like/love me. Speak for yourself.
  17. For those who haven’t seen the video: https://www.77kaoded.com/news/sangk/2434167 The Germans were extremely careful; the driver extremely careless.
  18. Yes, though if you are just going to install over the top(easiest) then it’s not a ‘new’ install but an ‘upgrade’. A clean install is when you are prepared to wipe the whole drive clean and to make a fresh install on a completely clean drive(a bit more involved for a novice, though not insurmountable). Clean install is likely to bring the best performance benefit, but may be a step too far for you, in knowing the right choices to make along the way for an optimal install. So a clean up(including system files and any old Windows installations) followed by an upgrade install is more like within your capability. If a reliable tech is involved, I would go for a clean install. I am not confident that you have access to such a person.
  19. Try VPN Tethering before looking at something like https://www.smartdnsproxy.com/ or a dedicated router.
  20. An interesting report nonetheless…????
  21. I don’t care; it’s a discussion board. People have different perspectives. We are discussing them. I live and let live.
  22. Utterly nonsensical. You assert that a clean install(which could take twenty minutes) is unnecessary and tedious, whilst suggesting tiny versions of Windows ???? How would those get installed then? A clean install would not even take up half the drive. From then onwards, storage should be mapped to the external drive. Quick and relatively easy. Don’t try to make yourself look smarter, when you are not.
  23. Too complicated. He can simply run a clean install on the current drive. Though a simple clean up before an ‘over the top’ should do it. No reason as to why he cannot find 20 GB from a 59.6 GB drive space. A Windows 10 install doesn’t take up even 39.6 GB.
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