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Everything posted by NextG

  1. So what useful knowledge did you pass on when you wrote that you are glad that you are no longer living in Thailand?
  2. You can ???? It’s you who used the phrase “accepted Songkran tradition”. It doesn’t have to be an “accepted Songkran tradition” for it to happen. But it does happen. Even “accepted” water play can get nasty.
  3. Not quite right. I used my bike and for the most part avoided getting splashed. The most wet that I got was one young girl shooting me in the side with a water gun. The rest was just general sprinkling that dried in a minute. Not even once was I drenched. That’s over the whole week. But I avoided the slum areas..
  4. Who said it was an “accepted Songkran tradition” ????? Is most of what goes on in Pattaya during that time an “accepted Songkran tradition”? It can happen to the people who are approachable and it’s taken in good spirit, as long as you aren’t some pervert. We don’t all have the same experience.
  5. That your posts are getting longer and longer in your desperation to convince everyone that your way is better. It appears that you cannot accept that others have a different perspective that won’t ever agree with yours. So you just post the same things again and again; thinking that you are right and we are wrong. Let it go, you already made you point. We aren’t going to agree. You are just trying to force your opinion.
  6. If I don’t want to get wet, I wear a raincoat. If you want to be defiant and expect everyone to bend to your will, expect to be disabused of that notion.
  7. But here you are, still posting and reading about Thailand and trying to convince yourself and us that you are happy to not be here ????
  8. Nothing wrong with that. Do as you please.
  9. I’m suggesting that you sound like a misery and that I don’t really want to engage with you. It’s obvious that you aren’t really getting that, but I’m trying to be polite about it. You can use the same analogy for Songkran. Not everyone can detect the subtle signals that someone doesn’t want to play and you can get splashed. Such is life. Adapt or die.
  10. Attitude towards whom? You? ☺️ You think that I’m not living in harmony with you because I don’t share in your misery? I totally accept that you are miserable. The best way to deal with such a situation is to avoid the miserable person if you cannot cheer them up.
  11. Who cannot accept that? It’s just that no one wants to imitate your apparently miserable stance. It doesn’t mean we don’t accept that people like yourself exist. We accept that you exist; but we are not you.
  12. I live in harmony with nature and the people around me. If you can’t beat them; join them ????
  13. Erm… it’s Songkran/Wan Lai…. Be prepared. I had a special case for my phone and quick drying clothes. Too bad you had a miserable time. You only have yourself to blame.
  14. Doesn’t work that way. Some will sense you don’t want to be splashed, others will try to loosen your miserable inhibitions. Best you get out of the kitchen if you cannot stand the heat.
  15. Another ‘quality’ resident…
  16. Such miseries… If you cannot be happy in Thailand, you likely not be happy anywhere else.
  17. Most people DID NOT splash me. The few who did so, carried it out in a considered way. A spray like rain, aiming for the torso instead of the head… I respect that behaviour and appreciated their consideration. Next time, join in. Have fun and lighten your load for a while.
  18. If you are going on holiday and you didn’t know that Songkran would be taking place at that time, whose fault would that be? I would get ready to party and have the best holiday ever. A great time to make new friends. People want to play, not be serious and grumpy all the time. Personally I found it fun trying to avoid getting soaked but was absolutely accepting when I got caught. It was HOT out there and I was dry again in a minute. Perfect conditions for Songkran. I am absolutely happy for the people and hope they had the best time playing and having fun. Take it in good spirit, give back in good spirit if you can and share the love. Idiot tourist need to pay for his misdeeds and to be deported; not ever to return.
  19. Even though I may not participate, I think Songkran is great for the people. It allows them to have fun and to challenge their own inhibitions. Become more outgoing if you like. You can gently touch people’s faces whilst smearing them with paste, hug them. It’s up to you, as long as it’s done with a good heart. A great way to reconnect with the people around you. Of course there are going to be grumpy sods who don’t want to connect with anyone and people who abuse the privilege, but by and large people are having a good time playing with each other. Playing is the operative word. It’s playful fun. Every local that managed to catch me did so in a considered way. Spraying my torso instead of square in the face for instance, whilst riding. Appreciated ????
  20. He could be trying to explain why Elon Musk bought Twitter….
  21. Take a look at the threads on this that Mickymaus has created. Truemove H and DTAC currently have 15Mbps+ unlimited annual packs for sale for 1800 baht and under. Monthly packs also available.
  22. Nice chatting with you. Have a pleasant evening.
  23. Try, at least, to be sensible in your comments. Do you know something that I don’t? It states “under eighteen”. Would you be baying for blood if the girl was seventeen? At least save your outrage for when you are in receipt of the facts of the matter.
  24. So obviously Speedtest.net is giving you inaccurate results.
  25. https://testmy.net/ Choose the Combined Test
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