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Everything posted by NextG

  1. Is this newsworthy? If the couple were afraid, they wouldn’t have put their dog back down on the beach so soon. Totally pathetic that this made the news. What next? “Man talks to woman in the beach”?
  2. You do know that you are coming over like a stalker/Troll, don’t you? I’m clearly not interested in reading your posts nor engaging in any way with you, but you still persist. You obviously have a bit of a ‘problem’….as I alluded to earlier. I haven’t put you on ignore yet… out of pity. Please stop embarrassing yourself.
  3. Neither is your obsession with them. They don’t concern me at all. But you seem to have a pathological obsession with them. It’s going to hurt you ultimately.
  4. This isn’t normal…
  5. I think he might have communicated it to you in a way that you did not understand. I think you also knew something was different but you didn’t query it at the time. According to your screenshot, he replied to your query by showing you the price you paid. From that I surmise that the other product you ordered was a different price. Right or wrong? Unfortunately, you have made such a big deal out of it that it appears that he doesn’t want to deal with you anymore. A 300 baht customer with a bad attitude just isn’t worth the hassle. That’s not to say that you are in the wrong, but that the way you have handled it is unnecessarily unpleasant. Don’t do the same with the farm or soon no one will want to do business with you. Make some edibles with the cheap stuff you bought and move right along.
  6. As I alluded to earlier… these are not ‘normal’ reactions. Multiple over-excited posts. Way over the top. Perhaps time for a talk with a professional.
  7. Pathological…
  8. Pathological…
  9. Short enough for me to read unintentionally. The responses from the people to whom I refer, including yourself, border on pathological. I’ve made my point. No need for me to elaborate further.
  10. Thanks for writing, but still not interested in anything you have to say on the subject. So won’t be reading..
  11. Not to put too fine a point on it, but has anyone noticed the correlation between people’s aversion to dogs and their general nature? There are some genuinely hysterical, bordering on abusive, posts from the people who appear to have an aversion to dogs. Calm down, before you give yourselves a heart attack. Live in harmony with nature and you won’t be quite so anxious and angry.
  12. If they use the front of your home as a toilet, that is not acceptable and you have a right to deter them. We haven’t heard that they have done any such thing from the OP. Their mere existence irks him.
  13. NextG

    I day,

    At an International airport?
  14. NextG

    I day,

  15. As soon as I saw your name pop up in my notifications, I already knew there would be a ‘dog-hating’ comment. I don’t even need to read what you have written and won’t bother to do so. Dismissed!
  16. Thirteen? I think you pay him a compliment.
  17. No he doesn’t want to kill them, he wants to Taser them. Sick. There is absolutely no danger to himself. The dogs will quickly recognise that it is his territory and likely see off any intruders. Of course he doesn’t need that. But his irrational fears lead him to think about Tasering dogs that have caused him no harm. Absolutely sickening.
  18. He doesn’t own the area ‘outside his home’. It seems that you suffer from a similar misapprehension as he. He also has a problem with understanding the meaning of “a couple”.
  19. Just realised that I actually know the person who was attacked. Only realised when I saw him with bandages etc ☹️
  20. A clear case of foreigners with money thinking that they own the place. Sad. I understand the need to control the population, but it’s sad when people come to Thailand and want to eliminate the things that make Thailand different from their home countries. I love that they retain an element of nature. Learn to live in harmony with nature. Because if you forget how, it’s downhill from there.
  21. I understood that you meant that yours was a “stupid question” and that you weren’t suggesting that anyone here was stupid. Hopefully now anyone who took offence at your reply will now too understand that and carry on in providing helpful replies and their experience.
  22. Erm… you are confusing a 90 Day Report with the TM.30..
  23. 2000 if you get to Immigration before they get to you. 4000 since they had to come to you.
  24. I guess your reply meant that you hadn’t moved on. Hopefully you are over it now.
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