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Everything posted by KIngsofisaan

  1. In places such as the US, where many did not get any vaccines, I was told testing is not readily available as it use to be.
  2. Gun death is still death. There is never any logical reason
  3. As other countries open up completely and tests are far and few between, this may be prevented unvaccinated tourists from coming to Thailand from the first world
  4. What about the 40% of unregistered guns in Thailand? Who are they protecting themselves from? More deaths per capita in Thailand, talk about Cowboy Mentality!
  5. You can buy a 50 round drum for a Glock Pistol. There are auto shotguns made to hold (25) 12 gage shells A 30-06 or a 308 hunting rifle will do more damage than an AR-15 Has nothing to do with what kind or brand of gun it is. It has everything to do with the psycho pulling the trigger
  6. Maybe you should learn the facts
  7. Rents in Fl are through the roof, if you can even find a place to rent.
  8. Well fear not if you are ever in the USA, the chances of you getting shot for no reason are a lot lower, than your chances of getting shot in Thailand for no logical reason?
  9. Any idea how long this requirement to be tested will go on?
  10. At least the police got right on top of it
  11. Please tell us which man is not fragile when getting shot with a gun?
  12. The price of rentals in the USA, will make a lot of folks rich! We could make 100,000+ baht a month renting our US house out. The problem is it is still full of all our stuff, we may move back part time and I don't want renters destroying the place. Don't really need the income
  13. Dennis, you understand the situation right in front you in Durham North Carolina What you have NO idea about, is what Thailand is going to be like in a few years? No one does. The government is going to either fight to stay in power or a new government takes over. With that comes a ton of uncertainty. 3 to 5 years from now, how many baht will you get to a dollar? Will the prices in Thailand go up? How about the stability of the country as a whole? Research Red Shirt/Yellow Shirt protests How about in the new government decides to pass a new rule expats need insurance you cannot afford? How about a million things no one knows the answers to? Best to have a plan B and don't burn your bridges until you know 100% for sure
  14. Did you know people are also killed with guns in Thailand? Thailand 2020: But the mass shooting deaths of 29 people earlier this year prompted new questions about the need for reform. According to surveys, Thailand tops the list for gun ownership in all of Asia with 15 out of every 100 people owning a firearm, 40 percent of which are unregistered. Al Jazeera’s Scott Heidler reports from Korat, Thailand. In Thailand, annual deaths resulting from firearms total Guns in Thailand — Firearms, gun law and gun control (gunpolicy.org)2019: 1,292102018: 1,3592017: 1,4032016: 1,7282015: 1,9372014: 2,2912013: 2,4572012: 2,8182011: 2,8102010: 2,8362009: 2,9532008: 3,2922007: 3,4152006: 3,3742005: 3,3942004: 2,8882003: 4,6002000: 3,1231994: 2,43411 Now if you do the math, using 2019 as the sample year, you have higher odds of getting killed by a gun in Thailand, than in the USA. 1.954545454545455e-5
  15. Do yourself a favor and buy a better strain!
  16. Out of 330,000,000 people the odds of getting killed by a gun in the USA are 9.009009009009009e-7 You have better odds of winning the lotto and getting struck by lightning at the same time. Do the math, the chances of you getting killed by a gun in the USA is a hell of lot less than getting killed in a car accident in Thailand. How is it you made it so far in life not knowing how to figure this out? PS, In case no one ever told you, guns do not kill people by themselves. In the past 30+ years, my guns have never left their safe and killed anyone.
  17. The cost of living in Thailand is a third of U.S Comparing apples to apples, maybe not so true. There are some darn expensive places in Bangkok and beachfront in Thailand Appalachia and rural Alabama might be as cheap as Isaan! Both the US and Thailand each have their fair share of horrid slum conditions
  18. Nothing wrong with owning guns is there?
  19. Can't argue with those facts
  20. Yet you didn't remind us?
  21. How many percent widespread out of 33,000,000 women and has it ever been medically tied to the cologen powder sold on the shopping channel?
  22. A proud example from the Thai education system
  23. First, you have would have to have the option of living in both places. Second, you would need to be able to afford living in the USA or both places. That being said, if you can afford it, both locations have good and bad points I enjoyed Thailand a heck of lot more when I was young. Loads of good times in Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket, you name it. Traveling and seeing ALL of Thailand and surrounding countries. Sooner or later as you get older and older and older, it is more about staying healthy and alive than it is anything else. If you are in your 70's you will understand this (But this being Thailand, I am sure there are some 70+ still stuck on a barstool somewhere) @Credo has a lot of good points. Been thinking alot lately about spending more time in the US. (Although I do not want to artificially extend my life in a US hospital for any reason. Much prefer a shot of morphine, dying in Isaan, and getting cremated with a bag of marijuana!) Wife is a educated, US citizen. She can stand on her own 2 feet in either location. She can always make her own choices where to reside. Have VA hospital care and medicare. Can get care and get to the hospital in an emergency quite quickly, if need be US cost a hell of a lot more than it did. According to our son, restaurants, stores, customer service in general going to hell as the new generation doesn't seem to care about anything other than social media. Isaan is a quiet life, loads of family and no stress. It is quite boring, but sometimes boring is OK. No stress and no drama. Just living a normal life like everyone else. US, everything paid for, can get to everything quickly and quite easily. No traffic chaos at all. You find in life, many of those around you are too busy with their own lives and families to make time for you. So, maybe the location doesn't really matter. It is up to you to make your own happy life in whichever location you end up in. Married a long, long, long time now. Appreciated the younger years and appreciate everything my wife has done for me since the day we met. My life is pretty much dedicated to make sure she has it easy when I kick it. That being said, we have choices for a while longer and can enjoy both
  24. Lots of rubbish all over Thailand if you open your eyes.
  25. Do you know what Medicare is?
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