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Celsius last won the day on January 24 2023

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  1. It has always been like this and it's nothing new and nothing different from 30 years ago. UK is much worse, yet GoFundMe beggars beg to be returned to that awful NHS for treatment as soon as they have a medical problem in Thailand. Emergency care in Canada is top notch tho. They will not wait for deposit of negotiate with insurance company before you get a treatment. Your post is ironic and will surely attract the usual Thai bootlickers I mentioned.
  2. I returned to Canada 10 days ago. I don't like Canada very much, but I also don't like pollution. In Toronto AQI is constantly in the low to mid 20's. Clear skies. My wife is impressed. I also like my free healthcare. I do have a choice and choose what is best for me at this point in time. I really have a laff at delusional old farts who lick Thai boots, quick to file their income tax then line up for their 90 day report like good prisoners that they are while pretending everything is great in just because they pass by Nana and think they are Rod Stewart.
  3. I anticipate some significant staffing reductions on the horizon. Specifically, the number of employees in the Home Pro mattress section will be reduced from 17 to 15.
  4. The ones who live in Thailand and can't afford healthcare, yes. Others who can milk the free healthcare like myself....not a chance
  5. Devaluation of baht and increase in everything else. Inflation coming.
  6. You are crying about being censored and you call others snowflake?
  7. Is that good or bad?
  8. some sad stories here....let me get a tissue....but not for what you think
  9. Is there really any other German?
  10. Brother from another mother
  11. let me get my wallet
  12. I am into Japanese art house cinema such as SDDE-617
  13. Translation - I ran out of money
  14. just paving the path for a world-class family resort that will rival Pattaya.
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