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  1. I wonder if you'd be so generous and tip them if they were 4 blokes
  2. I suspected the same. What about grapes?
  3. nope. I predict 29 baht after Trump euphoria is done
  4. She is burned out. Not many opportunities in her sector now. Japanese car manufacturers are in trouble. Her company is selling bearings, so they are facing a lot of competition from Chinese. She has Canadian PR, so if she doesn't get anything decent by April we are leaving. Brrrrr
  5. The payout just includes the base salary, so what is BS? You seem to be some kind of expert, so you should go a bit beyond just screaming bs bs. Or are you another phony in Thailand?
  6. The salary is 80,000 a month and if you work here like you say you should know that Japanese companies usually give a 2 month salary bonus, so around 100k per month plus performance bonus. I never claimed anything different. The fantasies you made up are your own. For your comment that "this proves nothing" you sure seem triggered.
  7. I am not trolling. You can message me in person, seem like a decent enough guy.
  8. I think you are wasting your time with that guy. of course the PR application started 2 years before she got it.
  9. Exactly!
  10. First of all that's not the government site. I mean you still don't get it, so why bother.
  11. You seem to be triggered more than my wife by losing her job. Do you need counseling?
  12. Yes I was mistaken. Not 6 months, 5 months. Why is that such a big issue to you?
  13. I was mistaken. I just asked her when I took her phone to show it to some losers on the forum.
  14. 5 months. Now you are on the same level as britman. Close your eyes it's ok

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