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Everything posted by Celsius

  1. And not just any resort. We’re talking about a premier beach destination that attracts discerning international travelers, creating a vibrant melting pot of the rich and famous.
  2. As Ieft you a comment on the video, I feel dumber having watched it
  3. May I kindly suggest Trudeau for the prime minister of Thailand?
  4. Libs are nutters. The garbage comment was a stand up act. Even a leftie like Jon Stewart loved it the joke.
  5. This article is very short on details and facts, but no surprise there as it is CNN. For example, what should the pose be.... some poses I can do zero seconds others over a minute. Does it have to be done on the first try or second or third is acceptable? Sometimes when you try to stand on a first try it is easy to disbalance yourself.
  6. It is not self driving as it has a small Chinese woman driving inside of it
  7. What a comparison. I am sure that if you went to WalMart, Starbucks, 7/11, real estate agent or spec savers most would be nicer too before you spend the money.
  8. Both are 60 years old
  9. How about a dress code? We all know how long stay expats dress. What about a BO? Drunks allowed?
  10. Nothing wrong with these women? What a hell is wrong with you? Maybe you're gay
  11. Maybe it is a floating island of garbage? In fact, you probably think USA is a pile of garbage otherwise you would not live in Thailand while licking liberal boots.... and Thai boots for that matter.
  12. A bunch of fat drunks one step from offing themselves complaining about Thai women being 50kg
  13. Oprah must be choking on Häagen-Dazs watching this.
  14. Can someone explain to me how this debt works? If China owns most of US debt aren't American taxpayers effectively paying interest payments to China?
  15. He failed at marriage and works in Thailand until 7pm watching other guys work late. Pretty bizzare op
  16. So......why do you stay at work until 5, 6 or even 7?
  17. Just watched on YouTube today HP deactivating printers full of ink because of expired subscription.
  18. Shouldn't Europe be this super duper well connected by train continent where you don't need Visas? I am sure it's simpler than to travel from Isaan to Bangkok for a procedure.
  19. Buyer beware
  20. You can get a quick private medical care in Europe for a lot less money than in Thailand. If UK does not have this option, they could have travelled to countries in Europe that do.
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