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Everything posted by Celsius

  1. Don't rent on high floors. We don't need another GoFundMe.
  2. Quiet everyone, the president of united states' is speaking
  3. At least if they kept Joe Burden the defeat wouldn't be as tragic.
  4. Will all mentally ill liberals leave Thailand?
  5. This time popular vote too. New Netflix doc "The Road to Liberal Tears".
  6. oh look, I was right
  7. Pennsylvania for Trump!!!!!!
  8. Just remember....every time you are replying to a leftie just assume you are replying to a mentally ill person. From river to sea libs tears up to a knee
  9. Please. Most countries would send such devices to a trash bin. You simply don't import anything even resembling a medical device. Ordering on lazada would be my only choice.
  10. But why would they have toilets for the crippled in a third world country?
  11. Prince Andrew won't be paying any taxes soon
  12. People play loud music when they are having sex. Maybe they are mlive or OnlyFans creators?
  13. Doubt it. It is not on their currency list.
  14. It seems like the insurance covered most of the bill while the family still had to pay $11,300 out of pocket. If I was an american I would never pay a single insurance or medical bill while illegals are getting treatments for free.
  15. If you believe the rules are tightening, I would stop what you are doing as you may not have a bank account anymore.
  16. so I just want to understand this. If I stay in Thailand 179 days per year, sell 25 million baht on shopee and lazada, plus teach English at the language center, I don't have to file taxes?
  17. His Facebook page says he won the case against his ex who stole the bar. But I don't think he will get any money back. The money and bar is gone.
  18. Yes I am not a multimillionaire so I visited Phuket as an ordinary tourist. is that wrong? I didn't like it, it gave me a strange sleazy and unsafe vibe like nowhere in Thailand. As for outclassing Singapore, what a bunch of crapola. Perhaps you as a billionaire can tell me more on this fine forum you decided to join between your multi million yachts and homes in Phuket.
  19. no it's Phuket by far
  20. I would need extra dose of Gaviscon after that one.
  21. What better to start a day than choosing a wallpaper of a beautiful woman on your favorite web forum? I was quite excited about this feature, but I think it needs a bit of an improvement.
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