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Everything posted by Celsius

  1. his body looks 100% on roidz. probably some tiny ballz to accompany that tiny brain thanks to roidz. Fortunately we have pictures from the past to see how athletes and bodybuilders used to look before roidz.
  2. curious about the cost and insurance cover. I think rutin charges around 120,000 baht
  3. I need to see the face before deciding to help with a hotel bill
  4. to continue driving dangerously
  5. That is a mini can imported from china.
  6. I could easily find this on supermarket shelves a year or so ago. Now it's impossible. What happened? My wife loves that stuff.
  7. it's almost May and it's still in the red every day. I think it's also raining a bit every night and it is still very unhealthy. I don't remember lasting this long in the past.
  8. The "service" in Thai restaurants is the same regardless if you tip or not. Only dumb Americans would think otherwise. I do tip massage (not happy massage) places and often very well.
  9. These figures look very cheap to me. Pattaya bargirl cleared more from some members here.
  10. Interesting, thanks. The phrase would be used when selling something online to desvribe the condition.
  11. But she didn't negotiate hence the beating.
  12. Helpful, thanks. If i don't post tomorrow the reset was not a success.
  13. How would you write "shelf wear" in Thai?
  14. you don't give a toot
  15. Yea, this one has no reset button on the outside at all
  16. It blew in 95 and it still blows today. However, with the death of Amiga computers I have no other alternative.
  17. once you get a car, you'll get bored with in within 1 month. In Thailand leasing is also possible, although I am not sure about higher end cars. The YOLO effect can be quite tricky sometimes. I would definitely go for a condo.
  18. That depends on a dentist and their skills. Had a crown done in Bkk 15 years ago and it is still going strong.
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