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Everything posted by Celsius

  1. Several Reddit posts have raised concerns about long-term residents in Bangkok. According to these accounts, people who have lived in the city for 10 years or more have reported lung conditions comparable to those of smokers.
  2. Every time I see op post about the cost, I agree with him contrary to most Thailand bootlickers here. I have tasted the west and it is indeed cheaper. The most important thing is to own the property, or like the op find a subsidized housing and your quality of life will be much better. The usual whiners and complainers who claim the west is more expensive usually shut up after their first GoFundMe doesn't go as planned. Consider this: Even on platforms like AseanNow, Sheryl is readily available to address a wide range of inquiries, simply because poors here can't afford to visit a doctor.
  3. You were not asked, but you were itching to answer. Swoosh!
  4. I third it, however still not good as Gillette, but second best. I actually use 2 different razors when I shave. 5 blade for hair, beard and ballz and small 2 blade for hard to reach places
  5. Well, I have a degree in music and it never occured to me to start "teaching" or "performing" without a work permit. These rules existed before I set my foot in Thailand and I respect them
  6. How much is tax free gift to wifey again? A lot of Farang mugs will have Thai wives as gambling addicts
  7. Lol let me get this straight. You are going to get on a diet, but you will continue breathing the trash that Thai air is which is known to contribute to memory loss and dementia? Make sure you confirm your diagnosis with DeepSeek.
  8. how on earth....
  9. Something recommended by World Economic Forum? Frogs and insects?
  10. Well....you obviously do. How much per month are you paying her for the privilege?
  11. Yea....i would not trust having 1 baht in the account after this news "The Thai authorities have been vigorous in their campaign, freezing approximately 1.8 million accounts"
  12. yeah....ftx and Celsius come to mind along with 500 crypto exchanges that scammed their users
  13. You can say whatever you want, but I identify myself as the villageidiot
  14. Funny that. I was able to open multiple bank accounts in USA. My bank even has a service to open a US bank account without even stepping into USA.
  15. But when I say it imma troll
  16. gee....and I'm a Serb and I can speak Croatian. DOES NOT APPLY
  17. Bargirls keeping Thailand from being ranked 116
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