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Everything posted by stoner

  1. could you clarify a little with some realistic comment. were they sleeping or just laying in bed high ? can you confirm that they had indeed smoked cannabis recently before scooting away ? is it possible they could of been drinking or drunk still from the night before ? on any number of other drugs available in thailand ? generally people who smoke don't get wobbly legs or drop a scooter while riding away. that loss of motor function usually comes from alcohol or narcotics. your reefer madness mindset offers up a good idea of your thoughts about the entire situation before you even had information. im willing to bet there is far more to this story that you are not aware of. all of which INCLUDING and not solely because of the cannabis use lead to the events that happened.
  2. flip flops - check shorts - check no helmet - check one hand on handle bars - check long shirt to stop sun - check mask to stop big bad covid - check possibility of small child between drivers legs - check
  3. dr please contact me if you need professional advice and help. i am more than willing to help set up guidelines etc. a scheme alright. good grief its like watching blind people scramble to find the light switch.
  4. in the last 3 years i have put in 100km on the thai roads on my bikes. mask every time for pollution.... is a must. it is a real threat.
  5. 46 this year and never even a single night in a hospital in my life. tell spok i wont be seeing him any time soon ok ?
  6. your way of thinking about covid is the minority now. i love it how people didn't wear masks before covid to protect others but now.....ahh forget it.
  7. pot kettle. take a look around the world now my man. you are in the minority. the majority of humans are finished with covid.
  8. the rest of the world has moved on ryan its quite clear now that covid is no longer a big threat like it was before. stay scared my man you are in the minority of people worldwide now who want this to continue.
  9. serious question. will this not have a big effect on everything ?
  10. on the pathetic fixed pensions some of these old boys try to live on....yes it really is.
  11. since mandate dropped not 1 711 has refused me without a mask.
  12. and how about outside of thailand ? most of you are just as conditioned as the locals. trying to be more thai than thai. covid is over get on with life.
  13. accept its over big fella. you can remain scared while the rest of the world is moving on. take a peek around the world. no one is wearing masks. get over it. mask wearing now is a minority of people worldwide.
  14. of course they are. the social conditioning that happened is remarkable. thai didn't think to begin with so no surprise here at all.
  15. aaaand thats why he wears the big boy pants. such insight is astounding.
  16. ohhh ya and super fun fact covid is so deadly in thailand now that more than double the number of people died in road accidents today. ill take wild guess and say tomorrow won't be much different. good thing they had their mask on though protecting them from the big bad virus.
  17. won't inflation kill any interest gained and then some ? maybe invest the money into something that wont lose so much value year over year.
  18. you're should at least try to cut someone down in style. what performance is that ? i followed the rules here the entire time the mask mandate was in place. i took a vaccine. the performance that you also danced to right ? you really believe i am the only 1 who will be like this ? a baht is a baht. covid is over. get on with life. i am endangering no one stop it with your fear.
  19. today i was denied entry to the plaza with mcdonalds near whittayu. security guard wouldn't let me in without mask. so i turned around and left. ill spend my money elsewhere. i wonder if mcdonalds would be happy knowing that the security guard cost them customer. was at a different mcd the other day and no mask no problem. money talks. masks i walk.
  20. i would love nothing more than to be shot from earth on a rocket while giving yall the finger as i float into nothing.
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