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Everything posted by stoner

  1. i heard they had a good tip that hunters laptop was in there.
  2. so thats how bob o found that old guy slippin...i mean sleeping.
  3. i really only eat foreigner food and most of it is imported. i don't eat thai food. never eat out. only once in a blue moon. during smog season i wear a mask on my bike as much as possible. pm2.5 filters all over my house with AC running 24/7. i have a 5 stage RO system in my house as well. i do what i can to minimize things like that. it is quite easy to just not smoke really bad chemical laden weed though. brick is generally all the same and from what i have seen that comes out of it i stay far far away. as for the ignore. o well. most of the time i only offer help. it may not come across the best at times but i have good intentions.
  4. sorry but this is incorrect. the pesticides and chemicals used in growing the weed need special filtering for separation.
  5. ill take a stab and stay you are not a poor asian fellow are you ? grew up in the west ? pull yourself up by the bootstraps kind of thing.
  6. and for a small fee he can make sure you are on the right path.
  7. back home we're hiring signs are all over the place.....ya but are you paying ? after what people just went through not many are willing to work for crumbs anymore. can you blame them ? our system is broken but those in power care not.
  8. hi i am an exception. nice to meet you. hug ?
  9. this you generalize that it makes people do nothing with their life.
  10. its not the weed its your friends. ???? im addicted as you would put it and have done a whole lot with my life.
  11. scrolling through that facebook site. most of the products are very low quality.
  12. did you also score 5 touchdowns in a single game back at polk high ?
  13. consumed copious amounts of cannabis for 30 years is my secret. i still feel like im 20 too. eat decent and have sex on the regular like a rock star. 32 inch waist since i was a teen. never spent a day in the hospital. stopped drinking 15 years ago and smoking 7 years ago. only drink water no other liquids really.
  14. na man. in canada we just gave them warm blankets to help keep them warm through the harsh winters.
  15. never even heard of him before i saw the name here. a quick view of his channel and you are spot on. what a putz.
  16. i agree let it go about anutins comment. do you also agree that thai media and society in general should also let it go and stop always pointing the finger to the foreigner when referring to this ? or are you going to deny that happens ?
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