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Everything posted by stoner

  1. very high quality extracts are being made in bangkok.
  2. hahahah 9 out of 10 doctors recommend camels. from the article.... and 63.7 per cent said people should register to grow cannabis in order to curb imports of the herb. this made me giggle.
  3. ive been high for 30 years graduated college professional career status married 15 years no criminal record building a weed empire here in thailand. super lazy thing to do im busier now more than ever with this weed that kills my motivation.
  4. have you thought of going to a doctor to find out ?
  5. high quality reasonably priced vapes are already available in thailand.
  6. the implication was there. you judging him because of the money he spent on weed doesn't end at just that. your previous comment also indicates your bias.
  7. no criticism for me ....then you go on to criticize. thats your personal opinion on how another human being should spend their time. you may see it as an indication and you are well entitled to that opinion. does not make it right though can we agree on that ? i don't see his cannabis intake as a problem. he seems to be living a productive life. not harming others(generally speaking) , working, contributing. does someone who spends 1500 a month on say marvel collectables....do they have a problem ? is there not a chemical rush happening in the human brain in similar ways that drugs bring on ?
  8. i figured they meant import when they said import strains. almost everything is an import strain here barring a few local landrace.
  9. who was the seller ?
  10. who was the seller ?
  11. this is locally grown.
  12. i doubt very much these are import nugs. the bud in these pics is pretty low quality.
  13. ill go out on a limb and say you had a few more options in life than most of these people. easy to say work hard pull yourself up by the bootstraps and all that...when your bootstraps are fine quality.
  14. business model loan people money who can't afford it dont get money back in many instances harass people threaten them etc still don't get money back rinse and repeat
  15. says the guy with the uk name. smh.
  16. 1 - the addiction thing and weed. its been flogged to death. 2 - explosions. a very real concern. making bho is very dangerous and unless done under the proper conditions can cause serious issues. canadian govt has banned using hydro carbons for personal extract. 3 - stronger high....kind of the point. the adverse reactions can happen to anyone depending on loads of various factors when consuming cannabis in many different forms. what about edibles ? they are much stronger as well. a totally different chemical reaction too. 4 respiratory illness - only if the dabs are improperly made (which is often the case). dab smoke (when made and used properly) is much cleaner and safer for the body. with dabs you are not smoking the dead organic material (bud) you are simply smoking the trichomes. this is also dependent on how the dabs are made. if done wrong a whole list of issues and impurities can remain in the oil. how many grams used to make a dab ? depends on how good the weed is. generally decent mids will bring around 17 to 20 percent return.
  17. wait. are you implying that i am some kind of stoner who sits in my moms basement. i dont have a job or any achievements in life etc ? that i just sit around and get high all day every day. that part is true but i also do stuff. could you be any more of a cliche ? good grief.
  18. might be better if i PM you the ideas.
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