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Everything posted by stoner

  1. this is a wind up post right ? so sorry someone dying is inconveniencing your night.
  2. my qualifications ? ok well i have been high for 30 years. jokes aside.... i have been growing cannabis for almost 15 years held a medical license in canada for 10 years have been doing bho extraction for 5 years (recently was further trained by a cannabis cup winning extract professional) learned short path distillation on my own helped build the largest private medical dispensary chain in toronto own a consulting company teaching and helping people who want to know about cannabis have been involved with one of the largest cannabis companies in thailand for close to 3 years i know the majority of the underground here as well over the last decade i have helped many many people with all sorts of ailments etc that should clear the air ?
  3. nearly a million dollars to put down some orange cones ?
  4. uneducated in regards to cannabis. thought that was quite clear.
  5. im not so sure the majority will agree with you on this one big fella.
  6. i got a crew in viet nam on speed dial.....just give me the word.
  7. smh. you're so delusional. dinosaur parking is out back.
  8. will you also make a witty comment at all of the well informed helpful posts regarding cannabis and its use ?
  9. he should decree that he and his crew are getting the f outta dodge. asap b**ch
  10. yet another uneducated fool opening his pie hole about something he knows nothing about.
  11. short term memory loss is another negative effect that wasn't mentioned........... or was it ? ????
  12. guilty. ya i am making a conclusion but yall thinking the same thing. aaaaaaand again guilty fool me once...shame on...shame on you....if fool me can't get fooled again.
  13. generally bugs only attack sick or unhealthy plants. lack of airflow is another major factor most growers underestimate.
  14. do a cannabis crop outside. document it along the way and come back post it here. growing outdoors here is far from easy. sorry maybe that is wrong. growing something worth smoking outdoors here is far from easy. being a gardener does not really prepare one to grow the kind of bud people are looking to smoke.
  15. point is they felt more compelled to film rather than help with the situation as a whole. but you knew that right,
  16. this depends on many factors. thai sun is pretty hard to beat for growing plants. most often it all comes down to grower talent. something most *growers* are lacking. ????
  17. this story is full of clowns..... clown 1 and clown 2..... look grandpa is taking a beating.....quick film it don't actually help.
  18. this is a pretty great post for people just starting out. great info you put together. only issue is that 90 percent of first time growers fail. even if they go full cycle the bud if very disappointing. most people starting out can expect 3 to 4 cycles of learning before they will have anything worth it. even then depending on their skill. to get that great smelly dankness takes years...most never get to that level and fade into a sea of average growers.
  19. yes and no. . i only know of at most a few dozen people tops who can grow quality here in thailand. These guys don't have big grows at all compared to what the market is going to demand. the rest of what will come onto the market in the next year will be amateur and near first time grows. all will be weak and not worth more than brick....but it will sell as the demand is there. thats the sad part. most of the grows i have visited in thailand (dozens - both legal and underground) are brutal at best. as you say interesting times. now when will my 20 spyder lights arrive.
  20. did you even read what i wrote ? please go back and have a gander again. where did i mention any of this ?
  21. never tops 10 percent.
  22. just wait a few weeks its all about to change. there is a massive shortage coming and none of these people are prepared for it.
  23. pffft.....porn built the internet. dont listen to the haters they just jealous they didn't make money from this. too much hate going on and not enough love for us who made mad cash.
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