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Everything posted by stoner

  1. haha autobots transform.
  2. ya america died that day.
  3. ok so you can't take 6 seconds to type that into a search engine. cool.
  4. are those things from the jfk movie true..jfk wanted to splinter the cia and some other radical changes. big cutbacks to military. co operation with russia on the space race. all before my time. ps....i am a really big fan of jfk by the way.
  5. that's a creative way of putting it. i think a simpler explanation would be $$$$$$$$$.
  6. isn't it a little early for trump digs. maybe have some breakfast.
  7. you must really hate lyndon b johnson who went full throttle into vietnam.
  8. i could use a house. i have a british passport too. so its all good i can move in any time. way less hassle on paperwork.
  9. they will soon. our generation (gen x) is about to take power and things will start to change. might not be very fast but once the old guard dies off there won't be nearly as much of that dinosaur attitude around. holding those views will make you akin to a leper.
  10. is there any proof of this with a timeline ?
  11. come on you know you smiled at that one. my own prime minister sells weapons to the saudis. question is....who doesn't kiss their arse. i tell you what. put in a good word for trump at the liv golf tour. everyone wins.
  12. why didn't you finish the quote ? Minnesota National Guard officials have said that Walz retired before completing coursework at the U.S. Army Sergeants Major Academy, along with other requirements associated with his promotion.
  13. unlike most of the blue team.... i'm actually pretty funny.
  14. that's great and all but no one said they wanted to dictate anything. it's called an opinion.
  15. clinton repealed the glass-steagall act. which opened the door to unprecedented corruption.
  16. i had a personal experience with this in the last week. i was really disheartened how blatantly discriminatory it was. all in the name of inclusion. i can post proof if needed.
  17. I love how you write opinion poll and sh8t in the same sentence. Very fitting. That old saying right about opinions and as3ho.....I'll let you fill in fhe rest.
  18. your opinion noted. no matter how wrong it is.
  19. does my political view matter or need to achieve anything ? my views etc mean precisely sweet f all.
  20. sorry but safe spaces are strictly reserved for those on the left.
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