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Everything posted by stoner

  1. still not the point. a different reality was presented than what actually happened. if you want to talk about vance career start a thread. makes more sense to you yes. he appeals to you ideologically. you buy into his message. your choice to do so.
  2. not the point is it. his records clearly show a different story than was presented . you almost brought up trump in your response but you settled for russia. you must feel relieved. the man did not finish ALL the proper training and was demoted from that rank. as far as i know rank means everything in the army. otherwise they wouldn't have it nor put so much credit and importance into it.
  3. does thailand have any oil reserves that need rescuing ?
  4. at the time he was a senior non-comissioned officer. whos battalion was preparing for deployment. but it seems that may be in question... Army Lieutenant Colonel Kristen Augé, the state public affairs officer for Minnesota National Guard, told Just the News on Wednesday that the governor did not retire as "Command Sergeant Major Walz" in 2005, as stated on Minnesota's official website, but as master sergeant "because he did not complete additional coursework at the U.S. Army Sergeants Major Academy." A soldier who does not complete the requisite coursework is automatically demoted, according to Army regulations.
  5. serious question. is english your first language ?
  6. i tried to say this today and was called dumb. i like jello.
  7. all good. that whole grammar thing is against forum rules i thought...... but meh right.
  8. sounds like you just graduated from the university of Bob.
  9. i can already tell what team you are on. good grief it never stops. if you are in the at least 65 and older crowd... a word of advice...stay out of the way from now on. your generation will go down as one of the most hated to ever walk on this earth. there really isn't much more to it than that. big money rules america. not my problem if you fail to see that due to your locked in political ideology.
  10. if anything america is a corpocracy. the (insert name here) industrial complexes thank you for your vote.
  11. i guess they missed the memo. thou shalt not talk shhhhhh about our decision.
  12. i insist you @#%^)(*^$$%^%*%#(&!@#$%............and that's putting it lightly.
  13. That advice is sound and should span across all candidates. Mr walz couldn't help himself. You could see the pride in his eyes every time he spouted out different generic name calling.
  14. Is he going to kill a horse along with the bear? Yes because that's clearly the meaning of the comment you replied to. But you keep on trolling.
  15. John it's not that they forget...they just don't care anymore. The covid was years ago now. People have moved on with life. This forum has people from all over yet the threads on covid have all but died. Speaks volumes about how little people care now.
  16. fun fact. rushmore will be the last evidence of our existence.
  17. Don't be a bad citizen. Pay your fines and stop acting a victim. I do not work for a government troll farm.
  18. Will you ever atop with that ? There was even a thread are you a Trump fan. Didn't people vote for Biden and not Harris? Don't you think they should of had a convention anyways.
  19. i guess you could word it that way. sounds so similar to the current thai story about the 30 billion in misallocated funds.
  20. that's one way of putting it.
  21. looks like she might have peaked already. we shall see.
  22. if you're not first .....you're last.
  23. justin trudeau has done arms deals with saudi.
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