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Everything posted by Nabbiex

  1. And whereabout in Phuket? or Which online?
  2. All the cakes at Central Festival or Tops are not exactly the same as UK-traditional Xmas fruit cake. ????
  3. Hi, Where can I buy Xmas fruit cake (authentic only) in Phuket please? Thanks.
  4. Putin: Nuclear risk is rising, but we are not mad In other words: Putin: Nuclear risk is not rising, but we are mad.
  5. Is it because you are using VPN?
  6. Try different browser...
  7. Nabbiex

    Thai lawyer

    Hello, can anyone recommend good Thai lawyer (non-English) in Phuket? Thanks.
  8. Or can, I wonder, use both to increase the guarantee? Of course both should be the exact same detail.
  9. I enquire at Bangkok Hospital, Phuket about covid-19 booster & I got a reply saying they can offer me Moderna vaccine for around 1650B. Already Having two Pfizer vaccines last Sept & Oct 2021, my guess is that the booster would be a worth against omicron. Hence I am no expert to make the right decision. Can anyone please tell me the recommendation whether to take the Moderna vaccine or not. Thanks.
  10. Thanks for sharing your experience. Big congrats to your son for achieving his goal by participating in Education in Singapore. I guess the cost in Singapore must be roughly equivalent to IPC education in Thailand, isn't it? My next question is WHAT? Do you mean your son was sacked just because he achieved too much. Is that right? My guess is that their excuses to sack him must be their very last resort. What Thai teachers are afraid of? Maybe the reason is that he is too good for Thai Education they can not do their job properly. Thai curriculum / politics must be the s***** issue. Apart from that, do you have any thoughts about online homeschooling?
  11. Thanks for sharing your wife's kind perspective. Yep, it sounds sad that evolving Thai Education standard is quite slow and not enough to be revamped today as I believe Thai pupils should have more potential skills & the freedom to express their thoughts as good priority. Actually I want to know more about Pros & Cons about homeschooling instead.
  12. I am interested to know your experience with online homeschooling. Can anyone share me the experience? What are the pros and cons? For example, I found one good link called wolseyhalloxford and its fee are very affordable & professional. No worries about fee, curriculum & Thai school rules. I am very tempted to take this consideration as I feel the Thai education system has compromised my daughter's M3 learning progress. Please feel free to express your thought with thanks.
  13. Not sure about official Thai vocabulary for each grade but I know one website showing Thai vocabulary breaking down by M1 to M6 level. The link is http://iteslj.org/v/th/ (scrolling down and you should see M1 to M6 level) Please note you may need to encode Thai characters via Firefox setting. I really enjoyed that quiz.
  14. Yes, you can use your daughter's name regardless to her age. She can not sell till age of 20. If guardian, a request to the court if any changes. Strongly recommend to check with Thai lawyer.
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